H&S Data Entry Program


Registered User
Hi All,

Does anyone know of a data entry program that would be suitable for use with health & safety information?

The type of thing I need it for is to look up information on training given on site so for e.g. may want to check all training for a particular person or check a tool box talk / method statment / site and see which employees have had this talk etc.

We are currently using excel for this, but the file is getting very big and I don't think it's the best way of collating the information. I would also want a program that could import the information we have already entered from excel as there are over 20k records on there and I don't fancy entering them all again!

It's to run over a network - does that make a difference?

Just got to speak to our IT guys who have also said that MS access should do the trick.

not sure If I am allowed to post this but I design software/databases for a living and could undertake the project for you if you wish.

Send me a PM if you are interested.
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