Guarantee problem on car part



Hello all.
I bought a part for my car seven months ago which costs 300 euro,
The part started to give trouble so i sent it back to the supplier for testing and the supplier will not give me a refund even do its under guarantee.
They do not have to give a refund initially - the should offer to repair the part, if they can, failing that working, then they should offer you a replacement (if available / applicable), then it's refund.

Your "repair" or "replacement" part starts your guarantee again - not part of original purchase. Just make sure you state that in your dealings with them, & document all your dealings with them - date/time/who you talked to/details discussed.

Good luck with it...
Husband had van in well known brand garage few weeks back, he knew it was CV joint or something of that effect. Part put in and few days later problem worse than before. He popped into local small garage who hes knows who ran the computer and part came up faulty. In he goes again to well known brand garage and leaves the van, mechanic ring him and goes on about labour costs etc to which my husband says just fix the van. In he goes and bill for €84 to which my husband states clearly about warranty and he'll contact Eddie Hobbs. Immediate back down and told they were confusing my husband's van with a different van!!!

One is paying for warranty if a genuine brand part is purchased.
Thanks for your replies,
I don't know if its worth it taking furder action on this issue,but the frustrating thing is i haven't been offered a repaired,a replacement,or a refund,they told me that dust went in to the part and they cant do anymore for me!!
I cant see for the life of me how i could have prevented dust getting in to the part!!or how it could be my fault in any way,
I have asked to talk to the manager about it,he is always too busy to talk any time i ask,they just don't want to know about me really which is making me really frustrated with them,
How much time would i have to put in to teach these people some respect for people if i were to go to the small claims court??
Thanks so much for your advice on this,i don't know much at all when it comes to court and issues like this, as i have never come across people like this before,
"dust getting into the part" - that sounds like crap.... they are fobbing you off ... if dust is getting in then they didn't install it properly... Can you give specifics on the part on this forum?

What you should do now is document the dealings you have had with them so far. Have a read of the
[broken link removed]
web site and give them a call to get their advice.

As this stage, I think, you will need to keep correspondence formal, so write up the issues (keep calm in the letter & don't get personal - just facts.. dates/times/issue/what was done) and also state what you want them to do and address it to the manager and hand it to him...
How much time would i have to put in to teach these people some respect for people if i were to go to the small claims court??

Small Claims Court procedure is quite straight forward, and not much time is required at all. It's definitely worth pursuing this.