ground floor extension & planning permission


Registered User
Hi, I was thinking of a ground floor extension to my existing semi detached house, I have neighbours behind me separated by a simple wall. how close to the back wall am I allowed to go remembering this is a ground floor nothing on top floor and do I need planning permission?
thank you for the information. reading your link indicates following

Where the house has not been extended previously, the floor area of any such extension shall not exceed 40 square metres.

we previously did extend both ground and upper floors which we have been granted planning permission this was completed 3 years ago. Overall we added ~50Sqm ground and upper floors. Ground floor was about 20msq, does above mean I can extend up to 20sqm more (with 25sqm open space still available).
Overall we added ~50Sqm ground and upper floors.

Not 100% sure what you have written? Is it that you have previoulsy extended approx. 50 m.sq. (in total)? Seems to be.

It does not matter whether it's ground or first floor extension, for the purposes of exempt development, the area of any previous extension needs to be deducted from the 40.0 m.sq. makes no difference whether or not you have planning permission.

If you go planning permission for your 50.0 m.sq. extension, this has then 'used up'/superceeded the 40.0 m.sq. (exempt) limit, so, even if you were to add 1 m.sq. extra to the house, you would now need planning permission.

I hope that makes sense! Basically you cannot get planning permission for an extension (in excess of 40.0 m.sq.), and, then add another 40 m.sq. as exempt development after.