

Registered User
Does anyone have a recommendation as to where to buy a decent greenhouse? So far the best selection seems to be in Lenihan's on Capel Street. Any ideas as to which brands are the best?

Also, is it possible to put it up as a DIY job, or are you better getting someone in to build it?

Thanks in advance.
I had one of these a number of years ago. Purchased it in Lenihans and put it together myself. You need to prepare a level solid base for it and it is relatively easy to erect. If you don't get it exactly square you will crack some of the glass panes. Great job - but was eating and eating tomatoes. Don't forget when you put in tomato plants they all bear fruit together and so you will have them coming out your ears so to speak ( - this icon was the nearest I could get to a tomato!) Took the glasshouse apart a few years ago to sell it and while it's easier to take apart, it is also much easier to break the panes. But to answer your questions - yes Lenihans at the time was okay on price and it was relatively easy to put up (for an amateur DIY'er).

PS Don't order it off the internet, with the weight of the glass, the P&P will kill you
Bought mine in B&Q and had a great time putting it together - took about a week full time at it. Between siting it for the sun, digging out foundations, laying blocks, putting up the frame and installing the glass without breakages. Then out with the DIY electrics book, to get juice to it for lighting and heating during the winter (paraffin is smelly and dirty). Then out with the DIY woodwork book to build frames and a wall to wall latted table top.

Er.. make that nearly two weeks - but great fun and satisfaction.
I know a guy who will dismantle old market garden greenshouses and re-build them to your spec. I have one and it's great.