Green TD MaryWhite to sleep rough tonight


Registered User

Firstly I want to say that I applaud the sentiment and also the fact that it is highlighting the plight of homeless people at this time of year.

However (there's always a however), if the charitable organisations are so short of money that they need a sitting TD and government member to highlight their problems, then why can the government not grant more funds and/or resources via official channels instead of asking people for donations out of their own pockets.

There's not many who would begrudge a few extra euro being given to the likes of StVdeP at Christmas and with the weather as it is.

On a similar but separate note, TV3 had a documentary on last week where a reporter slept rough for a couple of nights. In the programme, the reporter obtained an inhaler from a pharmacist without a prescription and also obtained money from a priest. For some unknown reason, the programme chose to highlight who these people were by showing both the pharmacy and the church. I thought this was very poor by TV3 as it could potentially put the pharmacist's livelihood in jeopardy following his act of kindness and also encourage other people to seek out the priest for a similar handout.
I thought this was very poor by TV3 ..

Why would you expect the highest standards of journalism by TV3 :rolleyes: ? It's the station that gives us Xpose, ITV and Ireland AM. This time last year, they did something tantamount to blackmail to the Lenihan family.

Fair dues to Mary White though. Does she have to source her own doorway, cardboard, etc. or is she kitting herself out from an ooutdoors shop.
Her concern is touching. If only she was in government, she'd have the power to legislate in favour of these unfortunate people.

Oh, hang on - she is!
Lets give credit where it's due. (I am hate those greens).

I wouldn't do it tonight , would you ?
Instead of sleeping rough, why doesn't she just give them some of her money? They might appreciate that more.

There are enough people sleeping rough.
This is a pointless exercise other than vote catching. Mary White knows well that this is for one night only and tomorrow night will be very differfent for her. Unfortunately, the people who sleep rough all the time know of their grim future, shunned by society and no chance.
This is a pointless exercise other than vote catching. Mary White knows well that this is for one night only and tomorrow night will be very differfent for her. Unfortunately, the people who sleep rough all the time know of their grim future, shunned by society and no chance.

Well said, Leper. A pure publicity stunt. I got cross just listening to her with Matt Cooper this evening. One of her points was that people passing by might notice her and, because she was known, she would heighten awareness and they'd give money. Surely, instead, she should be using her influence to divert Government funds to the Simon Community.

We have a 4 year economic plan. We haven't even got a 4 day plan for the homeless! :mad:
This is a pointless exercise other than vote catching. Mary White knows well that this is for one night only and tomorrow night will be very differfent for her. Unfortunately, the people who sleep rough all the time know of their grim future, shunned by society and no chance.

Mary White was on he radio a few weeks ago about how passionate she felt about protecting the old age pension. When asked would she vote against the govt if the pension was touched she said no. So basically she was on the radio saying nothing .....only trying to fool people in to thinking shes champioing the old age but wont do anything about it. So if it was touched she could say she tried her damndest and if it was saved she was the hero. The problem i had with Mary on this one was if people are passionate about something and can effect change to it , they do it. If mary was so passionate and believed so strongly why ouldnt she have carried her convictions through and voted against the govt? If you're that passionate about something you fight for it not "oh well we're in govt and etc etc etc..." (paraphraing here).

Its like i could go on the radio tomorrow and say I feel very strongly about doubling social welfare and im going to fight all the way for it and if it doenst happen at least i tol the people i tried my hardest... basically a pointless statement
Her concern is touching. If only she was in government, she'd have the power to legislate in favour of these unfortunate people.

Oh, hang on - she is!

+ 1 more. What is it with the name Mary and women in Politics. They all seem to strive for the same low standards too to the point where they out do each other.
Hey great idea, but what about an even better idea....maybe she could agree along with other politicians to reduce thier governmental Pension contributions... there by saving billions...and by magic no more homeless. Makes me smile, politicians who ran the country and who enjoyed the Celtic Tiger gravy train to its full, now when they retire and will have Pension's that will runs into the 100's of 1000's a year while they cut social welfare and child allowance.....yes what a noble bunch. In simple terms the Maths is all wrong...
