Greatest quote of all time


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I was listening to the radio this morning and there was a discussion around the life and times of Mohammad Ali as he turns 70 today.
They gave his quote from 1966 where he refused the draft, and subsequently didnt go to Vietnam. He lost his World titles and licence to box

"No Viet Cong ever called me ni**er"

Now I dont like using that word so I put in the ** and I wouldnt be in agreement with Ali's religious beliefs and his Nation of Islam membership but to my mind that must be one of the greatest quotes of all time.

He could have been drafted and taken a cushy job in the army but instead he stood by his principles.

While crude, to my mind it is one of the greatest quotes ever.

What do people think? Any other great quotes from people?
He's been known to come out with the odd gem....

'There's not a man alive who can whup me. I'm too fast. I'm too smart. I'm too pretty. I should be a postage stamp. That's the only way I'll ever get licked'
Groucho Marx, to the hostess, when leaving a party, "I've had a wonderful evening... but this wasn't it".
'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent' Eleanor Rossevolt

'if you can dream it, you can do it' Walt Disney
People who have what they want are very fond of telling people who haven't what they want that they really don't want it

Ogden Nash (from his poem The Terrible People).
"I never forget a face. But in your case I'll be glad to make an exception"

"I remember saying that – would we get a receipt for the money, and Bailey said: ‘Will we, f**k’."

James Gogarty.
He's been known to come out with the odd gem....

'There's not a man alive who can whup me. I'm too fast. I'm too smart. I'm too pretty. I should be a postage stamp. That's the only way I'll ever get licked'

God he was an insufferable pain when he wanted to be. I watched an interview that he did in a boxing ring with David Frost. It was dreadful. He never shut up. I wouldn't mind if it was funny. It was just waffle
He's been known to come out with the odd gem....

'There's not a man alive who can whup me. I'm too fast. I'm too smart. I'm too pretty. I should be a postage stamp. That's the only way I'll ever get licked'

God he was an insufferable pain in the @rse when he wanted to be. I watched an interview that he did in a boxing ring with David Frost. It was dreadful. He never shut up. I wouldn't mind if it was funny. It was just waffle
W.C. Fields had a few good ones, a lot of them related to being an alcoholic

"Some scoundrel just stole the cork out of my lunch"
"I never drink water. Fish f@ck in it"
"Twas a woman drove me to drink, and never had the decency to thank her"
Winston Churchill in being reprimanded by some woman on how drunk he was while at some engagement....

“Sir, you are drunk.”
Churchill: “Madam, you are ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober.”
Winston Churchill in being reprimanded by some woman on how drunk he was while at some engagement....

“Sir, you are drunk.”
Churchill: “Madam, you are ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober.”

Lady Astor. An absolute classic