Great site but dump near by



Hi Guys

Found a great site but there is a Dump near by, not sure how far at least 1/2 mile. Should i just forget about it or what do you reckon ?

Re: Great Site but Dump near by ??

How long will the dump be in use? Dumps usually have a limited lifespan. What direction is the prevailing wind in relation to the site?
Re: Great Site but Dump near by ??

You can also get a problem from rats etc
Re: Great Site but Dump near by ??

Good points Leo.

Along with Leos points, my two cents worth, IMHO, 1/2 mile from any industrial site is not enough. Think about the trucks on the road every day, the dust blown from the site, the smells eminating from it, airborne litter.... I would go talk to the people living in the area. Ask them for their honest opinions on living near it.

I found a great site a few years ago. 1 acre Level ground, great views but a grain store 1/2 mile away. I thought no problem, only active during harvest months... bought the site, built the dream house, sorry i did now. Trucks every day but sunday, double the traffic in the harvest months and to compound the misery, airborne dust and smells from stored grain is not good. Worse again is the smell from the rape seed harvest, its brutal. no satisfaction from owners of premises.
Working with EPA at the moment to get a resolution.....

DO NOT JUMP AT IT. Do your research.
Re: Great Site but Dump near by ??

Brother built a house 2 years ago 1 mile away from a small quarry. Alot of trucks on the road but he could live with that. Last year the quarry applied for permission to extend the site...still with the EPA now...alot of heartache caused already.
Re: Great Site but Dump near by ??

dude - i know it is hard, but stay away. When I live in Donegal i lived 4 miles from a dump. I knew people who lived a lot closer and there lives were a nightmare. Not only the smell, rats and traffic, but also people dumping outside the dump when it was closed,

Sorry man
Re: Great Site but Dump near by ??

Also consider the source of your water supply, if you have to derive your water from a bored well imagine what kind of toxins might be present in the water table. This might be especially worrisome where older dumps are concerned, as these dumps were not lined to contain the leachate produced.
Re: Great Site but Dump near by ??

Thanks for the feedback - Your all right - Rats and Co can live without me ! I reckon if you are 1.5 miles away it should be ok but not this one !
I'm currently 3 miles away from one and can smell it sometimes...really hot days are the worst. I wouldn't go near it