Grass set in early Oct - should I cut?


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I set my lawn in early October (late I know) and I am now wondering if I should cut it now or not? Some sections are relatively long (6-7 inches). However along by the footpaths the grass is turning slightly yellow and throughout the lawn there is a yellowish tinge appearing on some blades. I am assuming that this is the cold weather and so, I am slow to sut the lawn in case the cold you some more severe damage. However some people are telling me that I should cut it to help thicken up the lawn and not to mind the yellowness that is appearing. Any advice? At the moment I am leaning towards not cutting it.
I set down grass seed around the same time as you and cut if after 6 weeks as their was a lot of growth.

I am no expert but from what I read the general advice was to cut it 6-8 weeks after seeding.

The only issue now would be if the ground was very wet but the weather for the week seems to be set fair so I would cut it later in the week if I was you.

Adjust the lawnmower to a medium setting for cutting as it would not be wise to give it a tight cut as there is limited growth in the coming months.
I don't think it makes much difference if you cut in now or not. It will improve greatly in the growing season, it may take time and be a bit patchy for a while but will come right. I'd try to ignore it for the next summer it should be growing really well.
IMO let it settle through the winter and give it it's first cut in the spring.
No. if you cut in winter danger of frost damage in cold weather and damaging soil in wet weather. No growth when soil temp is below 6 degrees centigrade which is wintertime! Cut around Paddys Day with mower at high level. By this time next year you will be sick cutting it!