Grass seed and shrubs/hedging for an elevated windy site


Registered User
I'm just about to put some shape on an acre site that will need a lawn and want to know whats the best combination of grass seeds for an elevated windy site, bounded on 2 sides by an existing old hedgerow? I want to put a play area in on one side of the house (will need a tough grass seed mix I reckon), a more traditional lawn to the front and other side. Any ideas on the seed I should use and where best to get it and also, what plants/shrubs will best work inside the post and rail fencing I'm putting up? Sorry to ask so many questions, hopefully someone can assist??
Hi Gubman,

Can't advise on type of seed for your lawn but I wouldn't necessarily plant grass for children's play area can be messy. Like you I have a windy elevated site and I planted cooper beech hedging either that or green beech hedging - the later is faster growing, you could plant laurels or grisilinea (not sure of spelling). I notice with laurels from other gardens if there are trees hanging overhead they tend not to grow as well. When we put down our lawn we just used grass seed.
Thanks Angela,

I'd thought about laurel as well, it does grow fast. Beech is a lot slower and I see that the people in the next field over have had it down a long time and its just not taking. Too much wind. Is laurel ok for stock though, thats if they get across the electric fence and post and rail and get at it?