Grants for upgrading insulation

Tired Paul

Registered User
Recently got internal wall and ceiling insulation in 3 upstairs dormer bedrooms. Since there is a flat roof above the bedrooms we got the ceiling done in each room as well as each external wall. That's a total of 5 external walls 3 of which have windows. As I said it was internal insulation, the type with thick "foam" and then plaster board facing into the rooms.
Each wall was skimmed with plaster, new skirting and rads moved and re attached.
To top it off we then got the attic (approx. 50sq m) spray foamed - its like the filler type foam that you use for filling small gaps but on much larger scale. This foam covers all the internal roof joists and external walls on the interior of the attic.
A week on and I have to say I well pleased as the temp in the 3 bedrooms has dramatically improved.
HOWEVER, I was under the impression that I could apply for a grant to recoup some of the cost. I applied to SEAI and got the required forms. However the contractor said I'd be wasting my time as I wouldn't be entitled to anything back. The total cost for the job was €5500 - not the cheapest quote but by far the best outcome.
Just wondering if anyone knows if I would be entitled to any grant for the works carried out. I will be ringing SEAI myself later in the week to find out. Regards,
In order to qualify for grant assistance you cannot do just selective parts of the home. You must do all parts for the measure in question, so if you were doing walls, it must be all walls, etc.
You must also apply for the measure before any works commences.
You must only use a contractor listed on the SEAI list of contractors.
The works must be carried out to the required specification of the SEAI.
See their website for particular details.

As the amount is above €4,400 + vat, you should qualify for tax relief under the Home Renovation Incentive Scheme. See for details.
1. You should have applied for the grant before you got the work done.

2. If the contractor is not SEAI registered, then you will get nothing, if your contractor is trying to talk you out of it, then chances are he isn't, but he doesn't have to be either afaik.

3.You will also have to get a ber cert done to claim a grant, you get €50 for that, but it will cost you anywhere from €120 - €200
Thanks for feedback.

I did apply before the work commenced but as mentioned above its was "selective" work and this is a fair point. The contractor is SEAI registered. Getting a BER cert next week to see if we improve from a C3 - as per the house details when we bought last year.

I'll check out the Home Renovation Incentive Scheme as I know there are other jobs that can be claimed for eg: landscaping. painting, tiling etc etc.

thanks for the resposes.