grants available


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My uncle who is in his 30's is living at home with his elderly (75 year old) mother in her house. the house is quiet old and needs new windows and central heating put in. my uncle cannot get a mortgage to do this as it isnt his house and putting the house into his name is not an option. we were wondering if there are any grants available to get this work done. he is in full time employment but wouldnt be on fantastic wages!! any help greatly appreciated.
I'm sure there is some sort of carer's allowance that could be claimed together with funding for the improvements you mention.

Check with Social Welfare maybe?
you could have alook at the sustainable energy ireland website to see if they qualify for the Low Income Housing Programme....
[broken link removed]

this gives grants for the upgrading of existing dwellings from the point of view of energy efficiency.... ie may get grants for attic insulation , cylinder lagging, low energy lighting etc.....
Local Authorities will (subject to qualifying conditions) pay an "essential repairs grant" or if it is merited a "Disabled Persons Grant". There is also some new scheme just out for the elderly but I havent details at hand.

The links above should provide you with details of these schemes
we have already been on to the local authority and it seems just because my uncle is in full time employment and is living in the house and doesnt own it !!! they would not be entitled to the grant:mad:
The new scheme from Nov 2007 is Housing Aid for Older People
and the maximum grant available will be €10,500. Eligibility will be on the basis of financial need with 100% of the approved cost of works available to those with annual household incomes of less than €30,000, tapering to 30% for those with annual household incomes of €54,001 to €65,000.

So if your Uncles income plus his mothers is more than 65k a year they won't qualify under this scheme. Did they ask income figures - or did they just say they were'nt eligible because he was in work?
They never even mentioned this grant just said because he was working he wouldnt qualify:mad: But thank you so much for this bit of advise i have passed on your info and he is going to contact the local authority today. Thanks a mill :)