Grant for child starting school?


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Does anyone know of a grant for parents when their kids start school? Im led to believe that there is a €500 grant available. Am I way off the mark? If not, when is it given, at the start of the school year or at the start of the following calendar year? Im hearing conflicting reports.


There is a means-tested allowance.
Check Department of Social Welfare site ?
Not aware of a grant but there is 'Back to school Allowance' if the income for your family is below certain level. Its €80 for younger children -aged 2 - 11 and €150 for children 12 to 22.
I thought that there was 3 times that a grant was available like this. When the child is born, when He/she starts primary and then when he/she starts secondary school.
The 500 euro grant is available for twins (and probably other multiples). Not for singletons though!
Luckily enough I have twins (twin angels :rolleyes: ). Does that mean Im due a back to school grant now or maybe in January?

See :
Multiple Births

The rate of child benefit paid for twins will be 1.5 times the normal monthly rate for each child. Where the multiple birth involves three or more children, the rate of benefit paid is double the monthly rate, provided at least three of the children remain qualified.

In addition, a special 'once-off' grant of 635 euro is paid on all multiple births. Further 'once-off' grants of 635 euro are paid when the children are 4 and 12 yrs. respectively.