Gramophone record

spectrum 48k. They (who are they?) brought out a magazine with 10 pages of code which took 4.5 days to write and you got a 6 pixel character slaloming down a ski course until he got half way down and the program crashed because you missed a line in the code. God I loved space pac.

I had one of those acorn electronics as well. It comprised a keyboard and a tape recorder. The only good thing about it was that it also came with a good small portable colour TV.

I remember typing in something that took me literally days so that I could play this game called Twin Kingdom Valley. It involved trolls and picking up pieces of treasure and other things but the game didn't include instructions.

Thanks a bunch Cluman for starting this thread and awakening those best forgotten memories.

I still have a few slide rules at home. I gave up using it after my father bought a sinclair pocket calculator from the irish times circa 1977.

I know Telex Machines were used up to the mid 1990's for shipping and international trading.

Does any one see Polaroid Instant cameras any more?

Does anyone remember Parrafin Heaters? My childhood memories of going to the Barbers are of the smell of parrafin.

Rubic Cubes. (Three dimentional suduku)


The velcro felt sticky things they used to teach Irish in Primary School (Buntus?)

Reel to Reel tape recorders

Adult Bikes with tiny wheels

Button A Button B phones


The Irish Press

Rolf Harris musical instrument (cant remember its name)

Do it yourself hair cut machines.

Home Brew

Saw Westers

Micro Fiches

Green Shield Stamps (Argoses Grandad)

The Great Train Robbery (and its cousin the radio train)

Frontal Lobotomies

Automatic Tea Makers

The thing used to slice hard boiled eggs

.... I think Ill stop now.. I wonder whether its possible to recycle some of these old technologies?
Jaysus, you make a guy feel (nearly) as old, aj!

As for 'I wonder whether its possible to recycle some of these old technologies?', I have to wonder 'why would you even bother?'...

In response to the Frontal Lobotomies query, I can only quote Richard Harris: 'I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy'...
ajapale said:
Rolf Harris musical instrument (cant remember its name)
Stylophone !

I also assembled my own Sinclair programmable calculator (to save money - I was a very poor student then). Amazingly, it worked.