Grad Dip in Primary Ed - Online course




can anyone tell me if they've had any experience with this course good/bad? It's run by Hibernia College once given the go-ahead by the Dept of Ed each year. It's 45% online and there is some controversy over it.

I'm looking into it at the moment as I can't afford to take a year off to study this Dip in one of the other colleges full-time. However I don't want to waste my time with it if schools are going to be reluctant to take me on having completed it.
re. hibernian internet course

A friend of mins considered this avenue for getting into primary teaching. However, a school principal advised her that it would be regarded as a second rate Hdip and would not recommend it. With this in mind, she applied to Scotland and is heading over to Edinburgh in Sept for the year. I think you might be able to get a grant if you go to Edinburgh or Wales, not 100% sure though. Might be worth looking into.

Irish courses are an intensive 1 1/2 yr including 4 weeks in June down in middle of Kerry to brush up on spoken Irish!

However, course in Scotland is Sept to June and you have a couple of years on returning to Ireland to sit the Irish exam - ceard teastais (sp?)
Thank you

Thanks Decembersally,

do you know if the other conversion courses that you do fulltime here in Mary I, St Pat's and Marino were looked down on also or was it just the on-line course.
