GRA Presidents Speech


Registered User
Has the syntax of this speech been leaked to any newspapers in full? While I accept Gardai have to give 100% loyality to the state I think the general gist of the speech would have everyone nodding in agreement.
“There is always the likelihood - and it has been proved in other countries where you pay police forces at a rate of pay that puts them in a vulnerable place - that there is a risk of people being got at and that’s a fact of life,”
I would say that the lines were drawn when PJ Stone had the audacity to utter the above. When you have a situtation where the GRA are threatening that their members will resort to corruption then you have a problem.

The Dept of Justice should be on high alert to such language and when the speech to be given by the GRA president then questioned the democratically elected government it was, IMO, a step too far.

Take a look at some of the language and decide if you want the police force of a republic saying this about the government we elect.
Truly, a Government of national sabotage
A Government whose only agenda is to protect the economic traitors
the arrogance of a Government corrupted by years of power
Whether you like the government or not is irrelevant in this argument. The democratically elected government should never be attacked by those sworn to defend it.
Whether you like the government or not is irrelevant in this argument. The democratically elected government should never be attacked by those sworn to defend it.

Spot on.

It galls me that delegates at teachers conferences etc cannot show some courtesy and restraint towards the government minister, if only from a standpoint of commen sense and PR i.e. acting like spolit kids is not a good PR exercise.

But it's a whole different ball game when the policie force show dissent towards the government which we, as a state, have elected.

There's a large number of subversives and naive individuals out there who think they'd be better off if we were ruled by a military junta than a democratically elected government.
The democratically elected government should never be attacked by those sworn to defend it.

Copy of the speech on [broken link removed], though it does not refer to a source.

We are angry that we, our children and our children’s children have been sacrificed by this government to protect the people who bankrolled your party and robbed the Irish People. Men like Fingers and Seanie were held up by government as examples of entrepreneurial skill and business acumen but who were nothing more than ‘gombeen’ men.

We are angry at the arrogance of a government corrupted by years of power has lost touch with the reality of life on a modest salary; if they ever knew it at all. A government whose only agenda is to protect the economic traitors.

We are angry at being lectured by government on the need to be patriotic. A patriot is ‘a person who vigorously supports his country and its way of life.’ This government is misusing what it means to be Irish as they support a new aristocracy created in their image. This new aristocracy chooses whether to retain state pensions while still working as public representatives, using all means to spend vast resources on the few, while taking pay from the majority. This government have created a new class system; one that does not value our service and dedication.
Quite seditious I think...
Seditious alright....
Correct in its delivery but not correct with regard to who delivered it.
It is completely unacceptable and utterly wrong what the president of the GRA should give such an overtly political speech. It shows that he has no respect for the independence of the Gardai or the office of the Minister for Justice. He has shown contempt for the government of the state (not just for the party in power or the individuals in office). The GRA has shown itself to be a political body lead by aggressive blusterers who are willing to drag the police force of this country into the gutter in order to make their political points. Shame on them.
Whether you like the government or not is irrelevant in this argument. The democratically elected government should never be attacked by those sworn to defend it.
In this instance, the GRA president is defending the people, not the government. As far as I'm concerned, the 'democratically elected' (lol) government has already betrayed the people of Ireland.

Like it or not, the GRA president is correct in his speech.
In this instance, the GRA president is defending the people, not the government. As far as I'm concerned, the 'democratically elected' (lol) government has already betrayed the people of Ireland.

No, the GRA is not defending the people, it is attacking the government (which is democratically elected by the people) and in doing so it has politicised itself and the police force.

Whether you like the government or not is irrelevant in this argument. The democratically elected government should never be attacked by those sworn to defend it.
That sums it up very well.
Then according to Mr Stone's assessment, some Gardai are mercenaries. Or perhaps, quite a few. If the government up their salaries, they will refrain from Baksheesh. Did they not know the rules before they joined up? Are they not better paid than most police forces throughout the world?
No, the GRA is not defending the people, it is attacking the government (which is democratically elected by the people) and in doing so it has politicised itself and the police force.
The democratic process in Ireland is a farce.

If I was brian cowan, I would be very nervous about this development. One thing the government needs is a loyal military and police force. What will happen if there is civil unrest?
Whether you like the government or not is irrelevant in this argument. The democratically elected government should never be attacked by those sworn to defend it.
The police force is not there to defend the Government. They are there to defend the State. That's an important distinction.
Is this not typical Trade Union bull****ting meant to impress their membership and justify high wages for union leaders ?

A lot of Gardai are fed up with this type of show. The loudmouths get elected usualy because of a complete lack of interest by the majority
The GRA is not the Gardai and has no connection with the State. It is a private association that some Gardai are members off. The President of the GRA is a civilian post - he is not an active member of the force.
The police force is not there to defend the Government. They are there to defend the State. That's an important distinction.
What's the distinction again? The government of the state, elected by the people, is in no way linked to the state itself..... riiight.
What's the distinction again? The government of the state, elected by the people, is in no way linked to the state itself..... riiight.

The distinction is quite clear. The State is not the same entity as the Government. The Government is an administrative/representative body that serves the State.

From time to time the President/Council of State vetos Bills passed by the Dail. These are examples of the Government proposing to do things that are contrary to the interests of the State. The President/Council of State is part of the system of checks and balances that prevents them from acting contrary to the interests of the State.

Theoretically speaking (do not have current government in mind), it is possible that a Government may abuse its powers. This happens from time to time around the world - we've all seen Governments assume powers that they shouldnt have e.g. refusing to hold elections when their term is up or assuming dictatorial type powers. In such cases, theoretically speaking, a police force could be doing battle with a government to protect the interests of the State.