GP Childrens Policy: disagree with raising of social welfare for one-parent families


Registered User
I was just reading the green party's policy for children here:

[broken link removed]

While I'd agree with improved medical facilities and improvement of recreational amenities, I would completely disagree with raising of social welfare rates for one-parent families and raising the childrens allowance so much.

I don't think the situation should persist where women in poorer areas are encouraged to have children in order to get a house. Those who believe this doesn't happen should visit some of the single mothers in Limerick and have a chat with them. I don't have experience with other areas so I can't speak for them.

It would be better for society in general IMHO to encourage education and offer opportunities for work rather than throwing money and houses at single parents.

What do ye think of the greens policy on this matter?
Re: Irish policy for children

In my experience in this area, a similar attitude persists, where single mothers can see further children as being the proverbial "cash cows". In my view, it's a very poor attitude to be incentivising.
Re: Irish policy for children

not a million miles away from the current childers allowance. their policy on other issues which I have little or not control over ( I need a car for to get to work) will not be getting me to vote green.