Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 weeks?


Registered User
Ive been hearing this more and more lately. Its supposed to be in the next budget.
The government are working on a scheme where they pay for the full return fare of passengers who stay in Ireland for 2 weeks or more.

Its an effort to make up for the boo boo they made of increasing travel taxes.

The only details i have about how it will work are.


Any tourist flying return into Ireland will have their full fare reimbursed on checking in for the outbound flight, provided they have been here 2 weeks or more.

All airlines can participate up to a maximum flight cost.

eg If the flight is under €100 (each way inc taxes and any charges added on by airlines for baggage, cc, priority boarding etc) each way then government will give the passenger back this amount on leaving. If the flight cost €101 then nothing will be given back, so airlines will have to sell tickets at €100 or passengers wont fly with them. (€100 is just my guess here. And 2 weeks is a guess too. It might be 1 week. i dont know what the actual amounts will be)

This will not be available for return flights originating in Ireland. And will only be available for RETURN flights. Its to boost tourism INTO Ireland.

Maybe if it works other countries will do the same so those living in Ireland would benefit.

The Green party are opposing this, so it might never happen.

Could it work?
Any tourist would be spending far more than their air fares during a period of 2 weeks.
It would also encourage tourists to stay here for longer instead of staying for a few days and then heading for London or Paris.
Airline and service sector jobs would get a boost.
Will cut out extra charges for baggage, credit cards and so on by airlines
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

Wide open to abuse surely ( I know I could easily abuse it flying Dublin-London regularly... with some clever booking you could easily ensure you always flew on a ticket that was originating outside Ireland and had a "stay" for 2 weeks )
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

Is it April 1st?
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

I don't think I've heard anything more ludicrous in my life. If taxes on travel are reducing tourist numbers, eliminate or reduce the taxes causing the reduction.

Although it might create an opportunity to create yet another expensive quango - the Department for Airline and Flight Ticket Excess Refunds or DAFTER.
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

Although it might create an opportunity to create yet another expensive quango - the Department for Airline and Flight Ticket Excess Refunds or DAFTER.
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

Ive been hearing this more and more lately. Its supposed to be in the next budget.
Can you link to any supporting source for this?
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

Expect all fares to equal the maximum allowable from the moment this system is introduced. This is a direct subsidy to airlines, most of them foreign owned.
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

Expect all fares to equal the maximum allowable from the moment this system is introduced. This is a direct subsidy to airlines, most of them foreign owned.

But it wouldnt matter. Its the money spent here that makes it worth while. The maximum allowed would include all taxes and charges. And they are the largest part of the fares already.

If they dont put a cap on the price, then airlines would just absorb any discount the passengers got for themselves by increasing the price.

The country should make back far more in money spend in the economy, than its cost them.

Im sure there are ways to prevent abuse. And the amount of people flying often enough to abuse it would be low.
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

So you might have heard about it when you were locked, from a bunch of guys "who work in a certain place" who might also have been locked when they told you tales out of school.

That's at least two (depending on how you count and whether you're seeing double at the time) independent verifiable sources for the information - why isn't it on the front of The Evening Herald and The Sunday Worst? I mean it has to be true, doesn't it?
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

I agree that getting tourism into Ireland is vital to improving our economy again but this would cost the tax-payer a small fortune
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

I agree that getting tourism into Ireland is vital to improving our economy again but this would cost the tax-payer a small fortune

Not really. If its given back at the airport or as an American style "mail in rebate". The state has already made money from the tourist at that stage.
Most tourists only stay in Ireland a few days, before moving on. This would encourage them to stay longer, spending more money.
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

You missed my point, the airlines will raise all fares to equal the maximum allowable. For a parallel see the floor on residential property prices created by Rental Allowance Scheme and similar. It's a direct subsidy to the airlines.
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

Has this idea been costed ?
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

Relax ....

It only applies to those that fly in on their own plane - the owners will have to supply insurance details, tax disc and up to date nct to qualify, and the pilot must have a full licence for at least two years and no penalty points - any crashes within the past two years will also disqualify. Finally, petrol tank must be topped up to full before leaving Ireland......

Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

Can you also get the rebate if your plane is a diesel one?
Re: Government to pay full return air fares for tourists staying in Ireland for 2 wee

Why not do as the Spanish do and offer retired people subsidised holidays in hotels, off season. We could attract lots of retired Europeans to Ireland off season. Something could be done on the airfares also.