Government a bunch of hypocrites


Registered User
Need to have a rant about this but cant say too much as cannot identify the organisations involved.

Yesterday a friend informed me that the company she works for had not been successful in gaining a contract they had tendered for with a government organisation.

The government organisation in question had given the contract to a UK company.

The value of the contract is 6 figures. The UK company came in with a price just under 10% less than the Irish company.

So now the 6 figure sum will be going to the UK economy, plus as a knock on effect the company my friend works for will have to lay off staff as a result of not gaining the contract, so more people on social welfare.

I cannot reveal the particular government organisation but this action is particularly hypocritical given their function.

My friend tells me that her company are planning on whistle blowing this - so you may end up reading about it on the news.

Im just sickened that with all this rubbish from the government about 'if you dont buy Irish its unpatriotic' and all these levys on ordinary punters earnings - that they then go and hand a large sum money straight out of the economy with knock on effects and completely ignore their own public message.

I presume the contract was put out to tender to everyone in the EU. Are you saying Irish government contracts should only go to Irish companies even if a) they are more expensive and b) what if other Countries adopted the same attitude and stopped Irish companies from tendering for contracts abroad. It sounds like the Government agancy obeyed European law so what exactly are they going to whistleblow?

BTW, I agree with you about the Irish Government being hypocrtical when calling people who go up North unpatriotic. Individuals are as entitled to benfefit from the EU as much as companies and governments

Sunny - its quite possible no laws were broken - I do wish I could tell you the function of this particular organisation as its very specific to why Im annoyed.

I think there is a difference between ordinary Irish companies tendering for contracts abroad and the government tendering for contracts abroad - given the current economic climate - would it not be better for them to set the example for which they are publically stating (thats its unpatriotic to shop abroad).

But by EU law, they have to tender abroad for contracts. They don't have a choice. I am curious as to what its function is. Very mysterious!!

Good post.
But by EU law, they have to tender abroad for contracts. They don't have a choice. I am curious as to what its function is. Very mysterious!!

The difference in price was negotiable - but they refused to negotiate.

In the current climate I think the government have a responsibility to practice what they preach and to do their best to keep the governments money within the Irish ecomony.

I posted this in LOS because it was more of a personal rant rather than an accusation of law breaking btw.
I posted this in LOS because it was more of a personal rant rather than an accusation of law breaking btw.

Fair enough. Thats what its here for!

Even though I will play devils advocate and ask why they didn't submit a lower tender price if the cost was negotiable!
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Difficult maybe to comment properly without knowing the full picture in your example but in general, yes I think it's hypocritical of the govt. as per Sunny's post.
Even though I will play devils advocate and ask why they didn't submit a lower tender price if the cost was negotiable!

My understanding is that the original price was rejected and when they offered to find areas to cut it back negotation was refused.

Tell you what - it may hit the media (just because of the function of this agency), and youll know then - if not I promise Ill come back much later down the line and tell you what their function is!!!

Ive had my rant now - I feel less annoyed about it!!
We don't even bother with the tendering process, especially public sector tendering. It's a huge waste of time and resources for us. We can hugely undercut the (often foreign) competition, but that's not what it's about.

Other companies don't seem to have any problems paying less for our services, outside the tendering process.
Now I have no problems with the goverment giving the contract to the lowest bidder because that is saving us money and that's good.

The OP has it right, that goverment are a bunch of hypocrites because they demand that we buy overprized goods and call us names for shopping up north.

I'm not advocating a buy irish policy for the goverment, what I advocate is a keep your mouth shut if only bull comes out policy. Stop offending hard working people that try to save some money because our goverment is unable to institute projects or policies that will make shopping in Ireland cheaper.

Well in a couple of month local elections are coming and we can try to choose between the lesser of 5 evils.
It reminds me of the Longford Council member who complained about peoplenot shopping in Longford and then was photographed up north shopping herself
Her excuses were rather funny. In that she was buying a wine she couldn't get down south......In a major supermarket, what complete rubbish !
Given we are borrowing billions as a country, what sort of a country are we if we go outside the jurisdiction just to do our shopping ? We cannot even sell food + drink to ourselves.
Given we are borrowing billions as a country, what sort of a country are we if we go outside the jurisdiction just to do our shopping ? We cannot even sell food + drink to ourselves.

I blame the Public Sector, eh rabbit