got offer what next?


Registered User
We are selling our property ourselves and have received an offer pretty close to the asking. Would it be normal to contact the people who viewed and said they were interested but haven't bid yet to tell them there is an offer?
Yes. That's a key part of what an estate agent usually does. If there's serious interest, people can still be slow to make the first offer. I'd say to call all the viewers who looked interested, tell them there's an offer and the level, and ask if they have any further interest in the property. Not in a pressurised way, but if they need time to think about it, do give them a deadline to get back to you so you can be fair to the current bidder. Your aim is to get the best offer you can - that may very well be that first bid, so you don't want to lose that one by stringing someone along.

Good luck
Thanks Dreamerb, I will do that. It's not long on the market and we have arranged viewings for this Saturday. Not sure what to do, I don't want to mess around the bidder, is it reasonable to ask them to wait until next week for an answer?
Not sure what to do, I don't want to mess around the bidder, is it reasonable to ask them to wait until next week for an answer?

The joys of going it alone.