got a quote of 2000 euro to change from oil to gas



i am already connected to a gas supply and wondered if it would be expensive to change from oil to gas.At the moment i cook on gas and if i connected to gas heating it would mean continuing on from the the supply to the cooker straight through to the outside, along a wall and into a utility houseing which is just outside the back door.( a distance about 4 to 5 metres). the existing oil burner is housed in this building so all the connections for the rads are here with plenty of room to mount the gas burner safely. bearing in mind the proximity of the proposed location of the burner and whatever connections that would need to be made, can anyone give me a rough idea of what it would cost me to change to gas .. .....i was given a a price of 2000 euro would this be about right.
Hi Trekie,

From quotes that I got a year or two ago it does not seem excessive. We did not convert in the end.

If you have a read thru the key posts and run the search option you will find some previous threads on the same topic.
It would be a bad decision to place a boiler outside. As Suellen said, check the previous posts.Check the SEDBUK home page for the best boilers and to avoid being sold an old banger, Ireland is the dump of technical outdated boilers. Check also the SEI homepage.
Be carefully about the type of bolier you get. I changed from an oil boiler to gas about 6 years ago all down through Bord Gas. Two years ago my boiler gave up and I had to get a new part for it which cost with laber almost 400 euro. the repair man told me that the boiler I have should not have being installed in my house as I have gun barrell pipes and its something got to do with corresion. Do check out boilers before you get one.
To Megan: "Gun barrell" pipes are made from casted steel, so they should be safe with all kind off circulating water. Your plumber took you for a ride. Casted steel (as any casted metall) has a much higher corrosion resistance than rolled steel/metall.
There is a rule for metall workers esp. plumbers how to connect various metals in the flow direction of the water, may be he meant that this rule was not adhered to.
heinbloed said:
To Megan: "Gun barrell" pipes are made from casted steel, so they should be safe with all kind off circulating water. Your plumber took you for a ride. Casted steel (as any casted metall) has a much higher corrosion resistance than rolled steel/metall.
There is a rule for metall workers esp. plumbers how to connect various metals in the flow direction of the water, may be he meant that this rule was not adhered to.
Yes I know I was badly treated by the first plumber and to think he was a Bord Gais approved plumber. I did try to hold Bord Gais accountable but with no joy. Water under the bridge now. It would leave you alot more cautious dealing with any tradesman.