Got a lovely call from a Nissan dealer

Ron Burgundy

Registered User
Hi all,

In Nov i went to my local Nissan dealer about buying a Quasqui. Now i wanted to get a price as it was to be a suprise for my wife. We haggled and a agreed a price and spec, that was it and i said i'd get back to him with a final decision.

Fast forward to last thursday when he rings me to say my car was ready for collection:eek: . I said, eh i didn't order that car. I just agreed a price. he said yes you did but no worry i'll sell it anyway.

I pointed out that i got my X trail serviced and no stamp was put in the book so i'd call over and have it done. I then said sorry about the mixed wires and he said, no crossed wires you ordered the car. I asked have you an order in writing and he said he didn't need it and i had ordered the car.

At this point i just told him to stuff and that he'd lost a customer.

Now i was able to handle him and i know what he is like. But what if he did this to another person and they felt obliged to buy the car ?? He all but called me a liar on the phone and no apology either for not doing the paperwork properly after the serivce........
Hi! It does sound like a genuine mix-up! I went to Nissan a few months whilst searching for my present car.I found them helpful and efficient. I had been thinking of buying an Almeira (I think it was called?) but then decided against it. The young salesman who arranged my Nissan test-drive offered to advise on, and help me search for, the car of my choice from my shortlist. After I completed the purchase of my present car I had a call from Nissan head office asking if they could help further in any way. I found them superb, and not an ounce of pressure to sign throughout - just expertise and experience availabe with no strings attached. Nissan have a pro-active approach which I personally found engaging. I've recommended them to a couple of colleagues who are currently car-buying and wish all salespeople were as civil.
Marie, I suppose there is a big difference in the quality of customer service received from that of the flagship Nissan "HQ" customer service dept and that of the local Nissan salesman down on his luck after a poor month of Feb (car sales -10% in Feb 08 versus Feb 07), with stiff sales targets to be met in March 08. Bad service is bad service & needs to be highlighted.
Marie, I suppose there is a big difference in the quality of customer service received from that of the flagship Nissan "HQ" customer service dept and that of the local Nissan salesman down on his luck after a poor month of Feb (car sales -10% in Feb 08 versus Feb 07), with stiff sales targets to be met in March 08. Bad service is bad service & needs to be highlighted.

Plus this was the owner of the dealership, from whom i had bought a car from the previous year and where i get sorry got it serviced up until now.
I think it depends a lot on the person you are dealing with... Nissan dealerships I have dealt with in Cavan (Good) Clontibret Monaghan (Good) Navan (Very good) and Drogheda (Useless). Just my opunion - no scientific testing to back this up. Don't know who I was dealing with, owner or salesman...

I had a Nissan once - bought it from Gerry in Murphy Chambers - really sound bloke and great to deal with. Had a small issue after buying it - he booked me in the next day and gave me a replacement car. Superb service.
I asked have you an order in writing and he said he didn't need it and i had ordered the car.

The 'order' means nothing - absolutely nothing - unless its in writing. It's his loss for chancing his arm with you... he must have thought you were last of the big spenders by going ahead and putting through a spec and confirmed order for such an expensive car at a whim.

Are you 100% sure there was no discussion going beyond the idea that he was giving you a quote?
So does good service and in fairness we are only hearing one side of the story.

I don't understand this comment! The OP can only state his own experience, and although there are always two sides (or more!!) if every such post was condemned because there was no corresponding post from the other side, precious few comments would be posted at all.
i have no agenda here, i just wanted to share my experience. No shock name on the thread and no names etc mentioned.
I don't understand this comment! The OP can only state his own experience, and although there are always two sides (or more!!) if every such post was condemned because there was no corresponding post from the other side, precious few comments would be posted at all.

I thought it was obvious if you follow the thread, but here goes, Ron said his piece which was fair enough not complaining about that. Then Marie followed with a positive post about her dealings with Nissan dealers to which rco2000 responded that the bad service needs to be highlighted. This view in my mind was like saying don't give positive feedback because it takes away from the negative vibe of the thread. I was countering that Maries views were just as important as Rons. (my point is definitely in there somewhere)
I thought it was obvious if you follow the thread, but here goes, Ron said his piece which was fair enough not complaining about that. Then Marie followed with a positive post about her dealings with Nissan dealers to which rco2000 responded that the bad service needs to be highlighted. This view in my mind was like saying don't give positive feedback because it takes away from the negative vibe of the thread. I was countering that Maries views were just as important as Rons. (my point is definitely in there somewhere)

OK, I did say I didn't understand the comment, and thanks for clarifying. I had read it as a general comment (including on the OP) that one needed to consider both sides before posting a negative experience, which seemed a bit bizarre. I did not read it as a comment on a 'sub-plot' in the thread. No offence intended.

Ubiquitous, I didn't say anyone had condemned anyone's post; I said that if posts were to be condemned, etc, for lack of balance, etc..., but I'm sure you knew that really ;)
Ubiquitous, I didn't say anyone had condemned anyone's post; I said that if posts were to be condemned, etc, for lack of balance, etc..., but I'm sure you knew that really ;)

No actually. If I did, why would I bother to post? :) Thanks for clarifying your comment.
It is possible to have a binding legally enforceable contract for the purchase of a car without the need for it being in writing. It may not be worth someones while to seek to enforce such a contract but it does not make it any less binding or enforceable.

It all depends on the circumstances of each individual case.

I think its worth commenting also on the range of views that very often greet an OP's post. Mostly ( the consumerist view) the reaction is, yeh right well, high five, no questions asked, you were right, you showed that git up, with his rip off, overpriced, yadda yadda yadda .......

To the other side - well maybe there is another side that has not been reflected in the story told. And maybe some balance might be introduced.
