got 100% mortgage with brother and he has left country


Registered User
Income details
Net (i.e. after tax) Income self: 1560 per month temp contract private sector
Income history: lost job in 2009 and started working again in 2011. was on 30k in previous job
Net income partner/spouse: n/a
Income history:
Amount of child benefit received n/a
Amount of Mortgage Interest Supplement received (MIS is the social welfare payment to unemployed people, don't confuse with TRS) none

Personal circumstances so we can calculate your reasonable living expenses
By filling in this information, we (or you ) can calculate what your reasonable monthly living expenses should be.
One adult family or two adult family 1 adult
Do you need a car for work or do you use public transport? yes
Number of children 0- 2 years old: 0
Montly spend on special circumstances: e.g. exceptional healthcare costs none

Home loan
Lender: KBC
Amount outstanding: 250000 plus arrears
Value of home: 80000
Interest rate: specify whether tracker or SVR or fixed rate - variable 4.5%
Monthly repayment 1250
Amount in arrears 13k

Summary of discussions and agreements with the banke.g. in Marp since Jan 2011 . Have been on interest only since then. fell into arrears mid 2012 and started making payments early 2013 of 250 per month. had never missed a payment before arrears. recently completed another SFS so waiting to hear back.

Credit Union
Amount of shares 2000
Amount of loan outstanding 2800
Monthly repayment 130
Term left 8 months will clear loan with shares when I get it down to 2k

Other loans and creditors - delete those which don't apply to you
Overdraft - 500
Credit Card - 1800
Credit Card - 30 interest only
Term loan 800
Term loan couple of months
Term loan - 90
Term loan - interest free loan for couch from dfs

Other savings and investments

How important is retaining the family home to you?
Which of the following best describes your situation?

I don't care about keeping the family home.

Any other relevant information bought house in 2007 with my brother. got 100% mortgage. he lost his job in 2010 and left Ireland to get work. hes getting on ok. not engaging with bank as he wants to make a life for himself abroad and knows he will have to spend every spare penny to bank. I am working for a financial institution and have to go through fitness and probity and am very concerned this is going to affect my job. im afraid to tell my boss I have arrears

What is your preferred realistic outcome?
For example: "I will never be in a position to repay the home loan. So I want to sell the house and deal with the shortfall" but I am concerned I will lose my job as a result of losing the house
Income details
Net (i.e. after tax) Income self: 1560 per month temp contract private sector

Home loan
Lender: KBC
Amount outstanding: 250000 plus arrears
Value of home: 80000
Interest rate: variable 4.5%
Monthly repayment 1250
Amount in arrears 13k

In Marp since Jan 2011 . Have been on interest only since then. fell into arrears mid 2012 and started making payments early 2013 of 250 per month. had never missed a payment before arrears. recently completed another SFS so waiting to hear back.

Credit Union
Amount of shares 2000
Amount of loan outstanding 2800
Monthly repayment 130
Term left 8 months will clear loan with shares when I get it down to 2k

Other loans and creditors - delete those which don't apply to you
Overdraft - 500
Credit Card - 1800
Credit Card - 30 interest only
Term loan 800
Term loan couple of months
Term loan - 90
Term loan - interest free loan for couch from dfs

I am working for a financial institution and have to go through fitness and probity and am very concerned this is going to affect my job. im afraid to tell my boss I have arrears

I think the first thing you need to clarify is whether you defaulting will mean you will lose your job. Your mortgage is clearly unsustainable. I presume your brother is never going to pay anything and is uncontactable by the bank in any case.

You surely cannot even afford the interest only with income of about 18K when the mortgage is costing 15K? How are you managing this, are you renting out rooms? How much would it rent for if you were not living there? I don't understand why KBC have not suggested letting you sell the property in an orderly manner. If they're not being proactive, maybe you need to chase them.

You have a lot of loans, 7 apart from the mortgage, maybe some of the figures are repayments rather than outstanding amounts?

How much was the couch from DFS? Is that the type of interest free loan that charges exhorbitant interest if you fail to pay on time?