Gorse/Bog/Forest fires


Registered User
The media are saying that some of the gorse fire around the country were started deliberately. I can tell you that all of them are being started deliberately and its usually the same people every year. As soon as a dry spell looks like it is coming to an end, these fires are started and they wreak havoc on wildlife especially nesting birds.

I know some country people light the bogs because of "tradition" and to burn off the old grass but these days they do not need to because its rare to have cattle grazing in bogs. Gorse can be a nuisance on bad land but its not that difficult to organised controlled burnings if needs be. But it's the timing of it thats is most important. They could at least wait until the little birds can fly. Then there are young lads lighting fires for the craic.

The bog behind us hasn't burned yet this year but it will by the end of the summer. Its like Apocalypse Now when it does burn and you can hear the wildlife in terror. And if I catch the so-and-so!!
Steady now Ming, You still have the T.D.s salary for five years
I should have known that most of the jackeens on AAM have probably never seen gorse...
Ah the country folk getting blamed for the fires. Not the city folk who just love to flytip and dump sofas and refrigerators and all sorts of rubbish on farmers land?

Sure they can't afford what the "corpo" charges and their rep Joe Higgins and his lackies went to Mountjoy to get the martyr votes.
While most everyone outside the city were paying charges already, I remember paying a private company in 1993