"Google" yourself?


You look fantastic. Love the hair.

As for me, well, I'm still hanging around the forest.

I'm an Australian country singer.

Olivia Newton-John? Imust say, I've always been a fan of this moment in your career

In an ironic twist, the largest results for me were for an anti-nuclear power Environmental Scientist and a Christian Historian.

The actual me (aside from Linkedin) only comes in around page 4 which is nice and hidden.
I have a son who recently won a baby competition and another one who's in the Cork Youth Orchestra. When I'm not looking after the kids I am a champion rower , and for some reason I am very aereated about the closure of a swimming pool I don't frequent.
I was hanged, along with my sister, for murder at Kirkdale Gaol in Liverpool in 1884. I am also a teacher at Salesian College in Pallaskenry, and a writer, editor and lawyer in Washington DC.

But then I got married, and became a senior executive at NBC.