Google puts Dublin Top Of The World Charts for 'Property Bubble'



simply because more Google searches have been made for the combined phrase Property and Bubble in Dublin than from anywhere else on the whole planet in the past two years .

See the chart,bubble&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all

Of course if there was no property bubble then the Dubs are obviously totally irrational because they are the ones who keep looking for one on Google all the time !!!!
I think this is ranked by "property" not by "bubble".
If you reverse the terms

Then we are no longer in the top 10. Interestingly it shows Australian & American cities.
Dublin Still Wins for all of

House Price Bubble

House Prices Bubble

and MOST scarily is 4th in the World for the phrase RIPOFF

However if you select RIPOFF and you THEN click regions above the chart showing Dublin in 4th Ireland comes top , well above the US

Interestingly if you trend out

Ireland Expensive

Dublin starts to drop out of first place, a tad or so.
tiger said:
I think this is ranked by "property" not by "bubble".
If you reverse the terms

Then we are no longer in the top 10. Interestingly it shows Australian & American cities.

Ah, that must be because the Irish property market is resistant to any form of bubble. We're different to the rest of the world, don't you know....
'Tis indeed Conor and we Irish are very special but we nevertheless seek reaffirmation of our apposite relationship to reality by hugging Google.
Because of the crippling mortgage repayments, we also can't afford to go out anymore and are feeling isolated as a result!

[broken link removed]
You mean top of the English speaking nations' charts, specifically where terms like "Property" are used rather than "Real Estate"?
'real estate' is english innit or is it the spanish for hacienda ????

how do you explain " ripoff " on its own then ??
1) We are near the top for English speaking countries. Big deal, there are only 6 countries which speak English as a first language (India and South Africa also have very large English speaking populations). The chart isn't going to include Paris or Berlin, etc.

2) In the US and Australia they usually call it "real estate" so it is even less relevant:

That isn't to say that there isn't a property bubble, but Google certainly can't tell you anything.