Good video from a landlord/solicitor about his frustration with a tenant paying no rent...

Brendan Burgess


No rent paid for 12 months.
Tenant agreed but said he was going nowhere until the council gave him a house.
RTB granted an order to the landlord
Tenant appealed so it went to a tribunal.
Tribunal confirmed the order
Tenant had 21 days to appeal to the District Court , but didn't do so.

Eventually vacated the apartment.

But if the tenant had appealed then there could have been another year's delay.
The system should be changed so that if there is no payment of rent, the landlord gets an unappealable order within 3 months.

Or that the appeal is only allowed if all rent arrears are cleared and the rent is paid in full and on time.

Well done Brendan for locating and putting up that video. Very well illustrated of the practical problems if a Landlord ends up with a bad paying tenant.
I have a friend who has just got their tenant out of their house after 4 years of no rent being paid. Tribunals, appeals, court dates etc.

Mine is with the council (which is not the hands off experience i was promised either) and stories like this make me think I might just sell when the lease with the council is up. Who want to expose themselves to the risk of this kind of thing.
The system should be changed so that if there is no payment of rent, the landlord gets an unappealable order within 3 months.

Or that the appeal is only allowed if all rent arrears are cleared and the rent is paid in full and on time.

I understand the Danish have a system like this. Where the rent was not paid, the tenant is given 14 days to make a late payment and, failing payment, the tenant is given an eviction notice giving 14 days to vacate. I hear it works well.

Meanwhile, I have an adult child (33) who is deeply depressed and close to suicide as he is unable to find somewhere to rent so is having to live with his 93 year old grandmother. He's been a good tenant for the last decade, but had to vacate after his elderly landlord (a lovely gent) sold up because he had had enough of the stress of being a landlord.
Mine is with the council (which is not the hands off experience i was promised either)
At the risk of going off topic, can you expand on this? I was tempted to go down this route as the only possible scenario in which I would countenance renting a property but the fact that I couldn't even get DCC to respond to emails and phone calls put the kibosh on that. The DCC property purchase people were much more responsive and great to deal with but their offer was way below what I would hope to achieve on the open market and well below what somebody has already offered me directly.
I trust you are not being facetious about something so serious & that they are seeking the help they clearly need.

Pieta are an excellent resource.

The solution - as most intelligent people would understand - is finding him somewhere to live.
Reply to <Clubman>

We were locked on a rent of €850 on a property that would now rent at €1800 (Would have been €1300 at the time). It was a bit of a job jumping through hoops with CoCo to lease it to them, but we got there in the end. 85% of the market rent, which they think is lower than it is, but thats another story.

They took over the property and put a couple into it. I have had nothing but complaints from the neighbors and the MC since. At least once every two weeks I am getting messages of complaint and being called all sorts of names. Most of the neighbours have sold since. The MC keep threatening me with legal action. I am tired asking CoCo to do something, but they just say they are dealing with it, but do nothing.

CoCo asked me to get parking permits for the tenant. The MC wont give them to me til the tenant is gone. CoCo now threatening legal action if i dont get them the permits.

The whole thing is a disaster. CoCo offered to buy the place from me if i wanted out. At a knock down price i may add. A knock down price caused by their tenant ruining the area.

We had 1 rent review after 3 years. CoCo decided what the new rent would be. Its far less than 85%. Maybe 70% of market value.

So at the end of the day, I have no control over the tenant, yet I am being threatened with legal action about them. I wont go into much detail about them, but it involves, drugs, gangs, fights, threats, vandalism, noise, you name it.

Im sure they put nice tenants into properties too, but if they put a bad one in, you are helpless.

Oh, and every time you get a contact to talk to in the CoCo, within a few weeks, they have moved on and you have to find someone else to talk to.
Where the rent was not paid, the tenant is given 14 days to make a late payment and, failing payment, the tenant is given an eviction notice giving 14 days to vacate. I hear it works well.
This makes sense. A tenant basically has no obligations other than to pay rent.

If they don’t pay rent there’s really nothing else to discuss.
tenant basically has no obligations other than to pay rent
Hm, I'd disagree - keeping the place clean & tidy, cutting grass, not annoying the neighbours etc., all important.

I agree re non-payment of rent.

The video posted could do with some editing.
Thanks @Wilson.p - sounds like a mess. Sorry to hear that...
Surely if a non paying of rent or trouble -making tenant were to be put on a register of bad tenants it would solve a lot of problems. You wouldn't cause trouble if you thought no one would ever rent to you again!
We are far too tolerant of people who abuse the system.
I wonder would it be feasible for someone like the IPOA to start a database like the banks did with the Irish Credit Bureau where tenants have to consent to the tenacy details being entered into a database at the start of the tenancy and to the status of the tenancy being recorded, with access to registered landlords so that checks could be carried out before entering into a tenancy? I know the dreaded GDPR would probably prevent it. It would be much better for the RTB to manage it but they would never do such a thing.