Good things about the bad weather


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The world looked beautiful all white.

It stopped people talking about the recession.

The recession briefly ended as shoppers had a mad rush to the supermarkets over the weekend - just in case.

I learned that my little banger of a car handles better in bad conditions than big fancy expensive rear wheel drive cars.

I refrained from spending any silly money in sales etc cos I just didnt bother going out to spend it, in fact, besides groceries I havent spent a cent on frivolous items or socialising since last year :)
Moonlight on the snowscape.

Dogs chasing snowballs :) definitely one of the funniest things so far this year.
Great distraction from the normal post Christmas, Summer is ages away, anti climax.

Kids out tobogganing on tea trays and boxes instead of staring at DS's.

Small local shops got great business

People got some wear out of their fancy, festivally, polka dot wellies.
Dogs chasing snowballs :) definitely one of the funniest things so far this year.

Oh yes, forgot about that, joyful dogs - they loved it!!!

Also joyful birdies, I always feed them in this weather, had fun observing the birdy restaurant I opened.
Community spirit would be the best thing IMO.
The town council have turned off the water so neighbours are huddling around the pumps to fill all containers we can get. A neighbour dropped over 2 buckets of water to our house early yesterday morning before I got up to do it myself!! The Civil Defence are manning the pump from 8-8 every day. The neighbourhood has banded together to check on the more elderly neighbours, to bring them water, clear snow from footpaths etc.

It was very noticeable in the floods before Christmas also. I do some work for a charity and received calls from landlords who let houses to the needy for free.
Less rushing around for everyone.

Alpine climbing without having to leave Ireland!

Big big fires in the stove - toasty!
Beautiful sunlit snowscape as the sun was going down

Feeding birds in own back garden for the first time

Lots of time at home with toddler and cooking up big yummy meals and baking chocolate muffins

Time to take down Christmas decorations and tree

Trudging around in the snow, great excuse to use my awesome mountaineering boots
out for a walk with my 3 year old and watching her trying to pick snow up to bring it home to her mammy

neighbours talking to each other

It was so quiet
Watching the cat chasing snowflakes.

Watching the cat so he doesn't get the birds I'm feedling in the back garden!

Flock of Oystercatchers landed in the garden looking for food.

Big fire every evening.

Neighbours looking out for eachother.
- feeling like it used to be where i come from - this fantastic winter feeling when the snow is falling down quietly and covers everything with a beautiful white blanket instead of loud raindrops and you can listen to the crunch of snow underneath your feet when taking a walk - I only missed the mountains and watching people getting their skis ready and kids playing ice-hockey on their skates outside ...
- watching my cat discovering snow and than having fun in it
- having fun reading about arctic temperatures when it was barely -5
- pity I can't jog right now - the best winter run of my life was in Black Forest in Germany, with -20 degrees, plenty of snow and just great but the walks were great anyway
- people being very nice and helpful to each other
- our government finding extremely inventive excuses on why they simply couldn't do more to avoid the bad road conditions
Waking up early to silence as there was practically no traffic.

Families spending time together in the park.

Getting to know the neighbours better.

In my work I deal with elderly clients and I phoned them just to check they were okay, they were all delighted to report that they had several callers checking on them, many of them young neighbours they had never met. One lady told me she looked out to find her path had been cleared, she has no idea who did it! She was quite disappointed the snow was clearing.
Fantastic family snowball fight yesterday. Its not often one gets away with beating their kids to a pulp LOL :D
One good thing is I dont have to experience it as I'm away from Ireland at the moment :)

I'm more shooting the breeze than letting off steam but are there any good photos of Dublin covered in snow ? Im hearing a lot of hyperbole about how bad it is but I need to see something to believe it !
The news bulletins concentrated so much on the "big freeze" that we hardly heard anything about swine flu....
One good thing is I dont have to experience it as I'm away from Ireland at the moment :)

I'm more shooting the breeze than letting off steam but are there any good photos of Dublin covered in snow ? Im hearing a lot of hyperbole about how bad it is but I need to see something to believe it !

Have a look at this gallery of pics from Irish Indo - might give you some idea of how white it all was!!