Good Restaurants in Amsterdam...?


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Any suggestions...

Going there for a long weekend in two weeks time and wondered if anyone had any recommendations. Something fairly central ideal for a couple would be good...

Cheers guys!
Be sure to try one of the Indonesian Rijstaffel places. There are lots of them centrally located but, as with anything else, some are better than others. Maybe your hotel could recommend a good one. It's a great way to spend an evening as the number of courses/dishes means that you spend a much longer time over dinner.
Little Bird is the BEST Thai/Chinese food I've ever had! Its near the RLD but down a quiet little street...

Theres a REALLY cool Argentinian steak restaurant (just make sure they give you loads of Chimmichurri sauce...Mmmm!) if you go in through Dam Sq as if you're coming from the train station and take a left about halfway through it (down one of the main streets off it), keep going down and its on your right opposite a big shoe shop...has a big bull on the sign...sorry, know those directions are pathetic but, name totally escapes me...

If you're wandering around during the day, keep an eye out and go back to it if you find it!
For 'typical' Dutch food, there's a place on Spuistraat called 't Haesje Claes. It doesn't look great from the outside but it's nice inside and any time I've been there it has been crowded. The atmosphere is good & the food is well suited to cold winter evenings.
Dutch "cuisine" does seem to have an unenviable reputation

Admittedly, Dutch cuisine wouldn't normally be regarded as anything to rave about in general but, like any restaurant anywhere, it depends on how the food is prepared/cooked! I've had lots of wonderful meals in Holland.

The food in 't Haesje Claes wouldn't be regarded as being particularly adventurous or innovative - lots of variations on meat/fish with side orders and so not terribly unlike our own. But it's prepared well and as I said the atmosphere is great - kind of cavern-y. I lived in A'dam for two years & it was one of my favourites.
For 'typical' Dutch food, there's a place on Spuistraat called 't Haesje Claes. It doesn't look great from the outside but it's nice inside and any time I've been there it has been crowded. The atmosphere is good & the food is well suited to cold winter evenings.

Looks good...

[broken link removed]
The Garlic Queen is great! Check out their website they even have garlic icecream! the food is delicious and the restaurant charming.
A great place is the Pancake Factory; down the street from the Anne Frank House (can't remember which street, sorry); also near the city centre.

It serves pancakes filled with every filling imaginable; absolutely fantastic.
A great place is the Pancake Factory; down the street from the Anne Frank House (can't remember which street, sorry); also near the city centre.

It serves pancakes filled with every filling imaginable; absolutely fantastic.

We went to the pancake factory, it was good but we had to wait at least 45 minutes just to get our drinks, the place was busy but not that busy. But we were in no rush so it was okay. I don't know if that was redchariot's experience?

We did find this place by accident, and it was really good food and a lovely atmosphere. I found this webvideo of the restaurant while I was looking for the address. It is central Amsterdam too. Italian but sometimes it's nice to have a safe bet. :D

Utrechtsestraat, which runs off the Rembrandtplein, is good place for finding restaurants on spec, and well worth a wander. Someone's gone to the trouble of listing most of them here: [broken link removed]

(I can recommend 't Fornuis, which I've been to a couple of times; I think L'Express is good; but I think there are a couple of particularly highly recommended Indonesian restaurants along that stretch if you're looking for something a little different).
Tante agaath - one of the best restaurants i've been too. Doesn't look spectacular from outside but it was fab. add in the fact that i proposed to my now wife there so it makes somewhere i'll never forget anyway

By far the best restaurant I know in Amsterdam is [broken link removed]. A little off the beaten track, but great food & it's where the locals (like me!) in the know go. No menus, just go with whatever she recommends - you'll be requiring a taxi home. Five courses with wine the generally works out at about 50 per person. For the quality you get it's very cheep. Book ahead.

You can also get great food in a lot of bars too. Two that spring to mind are De Zotte and De Reiger. Both highly recommended.
