Wrong forum Good place to a starter set of Golf Clubs

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Started to get into Golf on a borrowed set

I see I can get 2nd hand on gumtree and donedeal.

I know clubs are probably a very personal thing too, but can someone suggest a good starter set?

I am 6ft tall does this make a difference can you get/ do you need longer clubs???
Don't know what part of the country you are in, but Gleesons in Limerick, McGurks in Dublin (Blanch shopping, howth, Leopardstown Golf Club) and Mahers in Cork Penrose Quay.... or go to your local golf club and speak to the pro... usually will know who is changing or thinking of...
The others usually have deals on clubs, maybe one might be missing from a set or you might be lucky and get an almost new that has been traded in by someone with more money than sense....
Good Luck.... Am taking it up again after many years... retirement here I come.

I play about 10 times per year & was recommended a set of SkyMax clubs which I bought and I am happy with. They have graphite shafts, also in the set are hybrid/rescue clubs. Not that expensive either. Do also watch out for sales (or buy online) and you can get branded clubs for the same price as the SkyMax - it just comes down to your own feeling when handling the clubs.

My mate is 6' 3 plays at least twice weekly and he has a set made to suit his height and ability. This might answer this for you...??
Thanks guys gonna have a good look around, I think celbridge driving range do sets and let you test swing them.

Must see what they are like for price.

Saw a few sets in JJB from 120 to 250, the 250 set looks good and includes a buggy and box of balls.

Will have to get out a few more times before I commit.

Need a bigger van to fit the trolley as well.

Starting to get prricey these long walks.
As posted JJB, McGuirks or Elverys all sell good starter sets

Don't spend too much, get a beginner set with oversize club heads. As far as being 6ft, regular size shafts should be ok. To customise a set will mean more expense. See the attached - good advise for any beginners. Love the game myself and play a lot

[broken link removed]
Frank I also was told Knockanally sell good 2nd hand sets. George is the guy in the ProShop if you are out that way...
Got the set in JJB in the end.

Irons and putter fine
Driver is good
Trolley is saving me money in hire fees and folds up well.

The woods are too short for me so;;
I recently picked a 2nd hand 3 wood much more comfortable.

Starting to get the hang of it now, picking up bits and pieces, now and plenty of lake balls.

Now who do I sell my soul to get more consistent

Next is rain gear a nice 5 wood more lake balls.

Not ready for some of the dodgy outfits yet mind.
Hi Frank,
Best of luck, constant practice that is the only answer. Some day you will play great and surprise yourself and you will say 'I have it'.
The next time out you will be full of confidence and bang - like you have never played before. That is what keeps us going.
enjoy the company and the exercise.
All the best Frank with your clubs. I got a decent set of rain gear half price in Elverys a while back. Would agree with Browtal...practice, practice & more practice.

Wasn't it Player/Trevino who said "the more I play the luckier I get" ?
If you want really cheap and cheerful rain gear go into Penney's. They look decent and cost about 20euro.

For a bit more money, you could hang on until you see a decent sale, I picked up some Sunderland of Scotland gear in Elverys a couple of years ago - 50% off at the time.

I'd advise to pick up a book called Golf is not a game of Perfect by Dr. Bob Rotella.

I'd also advise to spend most of your practice time on your short game - putting, chipping from around the green. This is where most shots are won or lost by casual golfers. Some people spend hours at the driving range smacking balls 200 -300 yards and hardly ever pick up the putter and spend an hour putting balls from 10 feet.
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