Good place for buying wind chimes


Registered User
I'm looking to buy good quality wind chimes for the balcony of my apt. Does anyone know any good stores/websites that sell them? I've been browsing on EBay but I would like to see it before buying.

Based in Dublin but don't mind travelling to get some good ones.

Thanks in advance for suggestions.
I don't have any recommendations, but I'd ask that you consider your neighbours before putting wind chimes up. My neighbours had some - the wind chimes made such a racket at night I don't know how they got any sleep. I'd rate them alongside barking dogs for annoyance.
If you're really willing to travel, I got a beautiful glass indoor wind chime in Amsterdam!
I have a complete phobia of these things. The noise freaks me out enough to leave the house or shop or whatever. Dont mind the wood ones just the steel ones that freak me out. However, I do remember avoiding a large display of them in Newlands Garden Centre recently.