Good MENs Hairstylist in Dublin?


Registered User
Hi all
My other half has a head of really thick lightly wavy hair. Every time he goes to the hairdressers (not barbers) they take chunks out of it and it's all over the place. After the last cut which was appaling, I stopped him from cutting it and he has now grown it to about 3 inches and it needs to be cut.

Can anyone recommend someone good in Dublin who can style mens hair well when its like this? My OH says hes getting it cut in the next 2 days so I need to find someone fast!

Thanks a mill

Why doesnt he go to a barbers?

He could try the Grafton Barbers who have locations all over Dublin city, or failing that, Tony & Guy are meant to be good with men's hair too according to my brother who has used them several times. I always use a local barber who knows my head and knows the cut I like and he only charges €8.