Good juicer & smoothiemaker


Registered User
Hi there,

Looking to buy a good juicer & smootie maker that is not huge, works well and is not horribly difficult to clean.
Can anyone recommend a good one ?

Thanks !
argos have a great collection of all shapes and sizes that should suit your price range and needs.
Really it should only be the jug that needs cleaning. I got a stainless steel effect kenwood one one at xmas from there, a quick rinse of of the jug after use has it shiny again.
Thanks Car,

Past experience with a food processor that was never used because the cleaning of the thing was such a pain has made me a bit weary. Had a look in the Argos catalogue and there is a big choice so I was just wondering if someone would recommend a specific one.

I hate my juicer. It's a cheap Kenwood thing and it takes longer to clean than to make juice. Love my Kenwood smoothie maker.
We got an Anthony Worrell Thompson juicer in Argos and it's brilliant!!! It can take whole without peeling: apples, kiwis, pears. You have to peel citrus fruits. It can also take vegetables, so you can mix brocolli with fruits which will hide the flavour of the vegetable. It really extracts every drop of juice.

There's a product called a Magic Bullett advertised on TV that looks pretty cool also. Did anyone buy one?
Try the Moulinex Juice Master Plus Graphite, not sure where you can get them here, but amazon stocks them at about 25 sterling, very good juicer, compact, and quiet, and it works
Have a Biffinett blender/liquidiser from Lidl, dunno how much cost but was obviously cheap works the finest for smoothies, and easy clean.

Never officially learned how to make a smoothie but I tend to go with orange juice or yoghurt (helps to create a flow to get rest of fruit chopped up) and then whatever fruit you want. Also throw in a few ice cubes.

Any other departures on the above, milk???, alcohol (threw in a bit of red wine the last time - wasnt too bad)
Bananas, Strawberries, Ice, Chocolate Liquer & Vodka - perfect smoothie!
Moulinex Juice Master. We got our in Arnotts for about €70. Also comes with a book from a very excited healthy bloke who turned orange once from OD-ing on carrot juice. The book is quite useful though for understanding the different combinations. What amazed me is how sweet the carrot juice is. A basic juice is: Crapple (apple + Carrot). Great on its own or add any other fruit to it. Works well with a small bit of fresh ginger.

Overall, Im delighted with it. I don’t try to juice before work (baby and husband are more needy!), but we always start our weekend days with a juice. Good way to get veggies into older kids too.

The book advised against it, but I throw everything onto the dishwasher except the bit with the blade. Hand wash, 2 minutes.
the magic bullet does look great, but i think i might need an extension to my kitchen to house all the accessories!
Thanks very much for your recommendations. Went to Argos yesterday but couldn't decide between the Rosemary Conlon and Breville Juicer & Smoothiemaker - they are both about 60 Euro. Came home empty handed but will go hopefully make my mind up over the weekend probably only to discover that Argos has sold out....
Buyer beware, we bought a Ruessel Hobbs (Juicelady) juicer in Argos 13-14 months ago (it was over 100 Euro anyway) and it's suddenly stopped working, tested the fuse etc, so I'm gona open her up today, might as well it's awful outside. You can spend up to 500 Euro on juicers, which my neighbours did. The more expensive they are, the easier cleaned and the more they take from the fruit, i.e. they leave less pulp. We now use our 20 Euro blender and are happy enough with it, probably won't buy a juicer for some time as I think blends are better, no waste, easier cleaned, and you get all the goodness of the fruiot etc. Although you can make some lovely juices with them. I'm not sure is there a product which is a juicer and smoothie maker/blender?
If buying an expensive juicer , I'd get the 3 year Argos insurance.
I meant to add, we have other Ruessel Hobbs stuff and they are generally good, but the juicers have to operate at such ferocity they can be prone to break down. I know a couple of people who are on their second one, a few of them have this RH model so I'd aviod it.
I also have the Moulinex deluxe graphite and it's great. Anyone know if you can replace the cutting basket and how you go about this? I can see this wearing down with the kind of use mine gets.
one tip, line the pulp container with a nappy sack - 85cent for 100 in tesco - and there is no cleaning of the container whatsoever, just empty the bag into your compost heap.
Save the washing up!
I'd also recommend the Anthony Worrell Thompson juicer in Argos €160, I tried cheaper version but brought it back because just not great.
I am thinking of getting the Moulinex Juice Master. Its a juicer and it comes with a Blender attachment for making smoothies. It costs €90 in Argos. I wonder would it be as good as the more expensive ones.

I had my eye on the Anthnoy Worrell Thompson Juicer for €150.00 but I would like to be able to make smoothies as well. I would imagine that a juicer costing €150 would be pretty good & long-lasting. Would a juicer / smoothie combo for €90 be decent or should I be looking at spending more to get more quality?
Frozen Yoghurt???

Looked everywhere, but can't seem to find a shop that sells frozen yoghurt. Can anyone help.