Gold chain went missing while in Killarney Hotel




Just wondering if anyone can help me........I stayed in a hotel in Killarney 2 weeks ago. While there my gold chain went missing (persumed stolen) from my room. I had left it on the dressing table in the bedroom along with some cheap silver jewellery, while we went for a night out.

I only missed it the next morning when we were getting ready to go for breakfast.

I am not getting many answers from the hotel and they have told me that because it was not in the hotels safe that their insurance will only cover me for €130!!!!!! The chain is worth €800.

The hotel did have a 'turn down service' and I did notice our bed had been turned down when we returned home that night. The manager in the hotel is still trying to check if accommodation entered our room that night when we were out!!!!!!!!

Just wondering if anyone out there thinks I have a leg to stand on!!!!!

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

The Hotel Proprietors Act covers this situation. Alas, in my opinion, the hotel are offering you the maximum compensation possible as the item was not given to them for safe keeping.

Have you 'all risks' insurance cover on your house policy? Perhaps you included the item as a specified item and can claim for it, or you migth have what the insurer calls 'unspecified jewellry' with a certain sum insured and you might get a contribution from the insurer in that eventuality.

The hotels liability under the above act are very specific and quite small.

Thanks for your reply. You seem to know what youre talking about. Dont you think the hotel would have their own insurance for something like this. I was looking at the option of the small claims court but I don't think theres enough concrete evidence.

What do you think

Are you sure that this issue is within the remit of the Small Claims Court? This is about the loss/alleged theft of an item as opposed to a consumer transaction in which the consumer was left dissatisfied for some reason. If you suspect that the item was stolen then the Gardaí should have been notified.
Hotel would of course have insurance but that only covers their LEGAL LIABILITY. This liability is defined under the Hotel Proprietors Act. they are willing to give you the maximun that they are obliged to give under the law.
Have you reported it to the gardai and asked them to investigate. I'm sure the hotel might be willing to play ball a bit better if you had.
Do you not think leaving an €800 braclet on the dressing table in a hotel bedroom while you go out for the night is asking for trouble and if the item was stolen that you are guilty of contributory negligence.

As for someone entering your room, its a hotel room, not a room in your private house. There are bound to be loads of people with a key to the room, previous guests, hotel staff, cleaners etc
