Going to Dubrovnik - ANy tips/advice?--

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There is a walking tour that can be booked just inside to the right of the main gate into the old town. his is well worth undertaking as the guide we got was a local girl who was very knowledgeable and showed us buildings and streets that we would not have seen had we not taken the tour.
Thanks again guys. Some great tips. Heading off Wednesday 8th Sep so looking forard to it!

Back From Dubrovnik

Hi All, Back from Dubrovnik.

Fantastic spot and thanks for all the replies!

We had already booked before I read this. If I was to go back again would deffo stay within the walls. Found Lapad a little too quite.

My GF loved the wine (I don’t drink it myself)

@ Frash

There's a small bar built into the cliffs / city walls with spectacular vews.
Can't remember what it was called but should be easy enough to find if you ask around.

Spectacular place to have a beer. Really great spot.

The little bar was great.

Aresenal Bar was nice.

Wall fantastic and great pizza’s in there.

Didn’t do Kayaking, other half was terrified of the thought!

The seafood was amazing, I have never come back from a place so in love with a certain category of food. The fish was fantastic.

Done the island hopping to which was great.

Fantastic views from the wall, melted up there though!

Stayed in Lapad. Hotel was lovely but the area just wasn’t for us. Would stay in Old Town if we went back.

@ Billo

Take a boat trip to Cavtat, a few miles down the coast. Worth a visit.
Return by bus or vice versa.

Never got to do this and sorry we didn’t/ Our Taxi driver to and from the airport was from their and he told us about it.

Lapad was a good (warm) ten minutes on the bus where we stayed.

We were lucky with the weather, only saw rain once and it was quite nice to walk in the it too!

@ Grizzly

I absolutely agree. The way the light catches the sandstone coloured flagstones and walls after a shower is something you don't want to miss. That memory has certainly stayed with me.

We were lucky with the weather. Over all it was stunning heat. The city at night is amazing.

@ Slash

We did a one day bus trip to Monte Negro. Very nice scenery and an interesting place to
see and learn about its history.

Also, visit the war museum in Dubrovnik old town. Very small, but interesting.

@ BoxTheFox

Brought a tear to my eye. Very sad.

Very sad. Our Taxi Driver who brought us from the Hotel fought in the war. He said it was so much as an army as they were fighting from there houses. You could see when he spoke about it how raw it was.

Amazing place Channel, shame we couldn’t get to Medjugorie, heard that is fantastic.

Never done that due to other half being nervous swimmer. Saw people going by as we sat in a bar just behing the Wall. It looked amazing.

We done this. The Old City has so many little nooks and crany's we found it invaluable.
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Locke -people like you make this site worth reading !
Most impressive report, especially as how you juxtaposed previous advice with your actual right-up-to-date- visit.
Thanks oldnick, thought it was only right to update all the people who gave the advise.
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