Going to Australia for 3 to 4 weeks - Suggestions please


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Trying to plan a visit to Australia mid-January 2012, never been before & want to make the most of it. Visiting son in Sydney (economic emigrant) , so accommodation there no problem. Have a reasonable quote from, Trailfinders, to fly from Cork to Sydney, via Heathrow & stopping 2 nights in Hong kong on the way & on the way back. Was thinking of trying to get there as direct as possible & maybe not stopping on the way & stopping for 3 nights on the way back to make the most of our visit. Was also considering hiring a motorhome for traveling around for the mid part of our visit - week with son first - he may become sick or the sight of us (joking), then maybe 10 days travelling up & down the East coast - then last few days in Sydney again. Flights suggested at the moment thru Cathay Pacific. I know we won't have a chance of seeing all Australia, but has anyone any suggestions for me? All comments gratefully received.
Wine tasting in Hunters Valley, it's only about 2 hours from Sydney.
Visit Katoomba in the spectacular Blue Mountains region http://www.bluemts.com.au/tourist/towns/Katoomba.asp to see the Three Sisters mountains and the amazing scenery.
And while you are there visit Kings Caves in Linden. They too are amazing. There are quite a few caves so if you want to see them all then get there early.
Hope you enjoy your trip
Try a cross-country train ride to Perth, right across the inhospitable Nullabor expanse, all from the comfort of a train - leaves Sydney twice a week, fly back from Perth.
Interested in Irish history, head down to Tasmania to visit what was Van Diemen's Land, make sure you visit the Tassie Devils while you are there too!
Don't overlook flying with Etihad, they go Dublin - Abu Dhabi - Sydney. No connection just going that route myself shortly.
From Sydney, take a drive up to Katoomba in the Blue mountains about an hour or so away. Incredible tropical forests in a deep valley. http://www.katoomba-nsw.com/. We stayed in the Carrington hotel which was a nice, od worldy place.

We drove from Sydney to Brisbane and then flew down to Melbourne. The drive is nice, but nothing special. Brisbane is small, and worth about 2 days. We flew then to Melbourne with Virgin Blue,a bustling city and lovely beaches close by. Definitely Melbourne was my favourite city.
langer - (your choice of name not mine!) The trip to Uluru? Did you fly or drive over a weekend?
thank you all very much for the replies & information. I still haven't booked anything yet, but when I do, which I hope will be very shortly, I'll let you know how we got on. I'm still leaning towards getting to Sydney as quickly as possible & staying maybe 3 or 4 nights in Hong Kong on the way back. Our son is currently in the process of getting sponsorship - seemingly there is no guarantee that even if the company wants you to stay that you'll get it. So we're keeping our fingers crossed that all will go through.
if u go via s/pore u can stay airside in the hotels now which means they keep the big bags and u just do hand luggage for the overnights: u can rent rooms by the day or part of the day] u just walk down to check in
The biggest mistake made people going to Australia for a few weeks is that they try to fit in too much. Sydney and the areas around it are worth a month by itself. I really wouldn't bother driving from Sydney up the East Coast if you only have that length of time. As mentioned, the drive between Sydney and Brisbane is nothing special. If you do want to do some driving, you are better off flying to Brisbane and going North from there or fly to Cairns and go South. Sydney to Melbourne is a nicer trip as well and Melbourne is a very cool spot.
+1. Drive from Sydney to Adelaide then over to Melbourne. You'll see a lot of the country doing that, both cross country and coastal (the wonderful Great Ocean Road). We'll be there at the end of Jan too, but will spend most time in Melbourne with a flight up to Darwin in the NW. Enjoy your trip.
I'd make sure to get to Melbourne, gorgeous city, flights can be got very cheaply (less than €100) and spend a few days there. hire a car and take your time driving the great ocean road.

flying with etihad is great, only a 2 hour stop in abu dhabi on the way, you'll be knackered at the end of it though.

i'd also highly recommend the bondi-coogee walk gives you a great view all along the way.
thanks dereko1969, and a great help from everybody. Our son actually lives in Coogee. As for travelling Etihad from Dublin that is a good option & I'd like to get there asap - but coming from Cork it's a pain having to drive to Dublin & the cost of parking probably crazy for 4 weeks, but it's worth thinking about. I suppose no matter which way we go we'll hardly be fit for any surfing on Bondi by the time we arrive (not that I would anyway)!
When I have it booked I'll update here & I'll put up costs too as that might be helpful for others. I feel like packing my bag now!
Don't overlook flying with Etihad, they go Dublin - Abu Dhabi - Sydney. No connection just going that route myself shortly.

Great way to fly and staff are brilliant. Direct from Dublin is a real God send. Long term rates in parking are much better than the boom period with good deals on-line. Another option is Airport bus connections, I would have avoided but once tried I used many times now. There are services from all over the country 24 hours at good rates and saves driving when you are knackered coming back.

Loads to see in Oz, if you have never been everything will be familar but different in a good way. Most envious.....
I'm not sure how much you'll get from a 2 day stop over - especially on the way there. You'll be suffering from a fair degree of jetlag, and probably not feeling up to doing much. If you want to do a stop over, you'll get more out of it coming back when you won't be suffering the jet lag nearly as badly.
The biggest mistake made people going to Australia for a few weeks is that they try to fit in too much.

+1 We took a 5 week holiday in Oz and NZ a few years back and even though we had super time, we were too ambitious with what we tried to fit in.
We flew into Brisbane, bussed it up to Cairns/Daintree stopping off in a few place on the way and flew back down to Sydney and Melbourne.

Just a couple of suggestions to OP.
Would you consider flying directly and drop Hong Kong? Don't get me wrong its a great place but it would give you more time in Oz.

I would recommend visting 4 areas and spending 5/6 days in each. In my experience you could easily spend a week in Cairns/Daintree and a week in Sydney. If you want to take in places like Fraser Island you would not see your 3/4 week holiday taken up.
Thanks Shawady - I'd prefer to go to Sydney as directly as I can (missing son!!) but my husband thinks the flight is just to long all in one go. So I'm trying to talk him into staying 1 night on the way & have 3 nights in Hong Kong on the way back to be able to relax & enjoy it.
I'm noting all the suggestions & I'm really grateful for all the input - keep it up! I'm thinking of renting a motorhome while over there & will be checking it out also.
When I have something booked I'll update here.
I would say, having flown Etihad to Sydney and stopped off on previous occasions that it's much better to get all the flights out of the way in one go. Unless you or your husband are smokers. You'll basically use up the guts of 3 days if you stop over.
In my opinion you will just prolong the misery of jetlag if you stay only one night on the way out. I stayed 2 and wished I hadn't wasted my time. On the way back stay for three nights and make sure to have plenty of room in your suitcase! The markets there are great
Just remember that the humidity in Hong Kong is unreal. I found it very unpleasant and until the memory of it fades will not go there again
Well, booked it - 1 night in Hong Kong on the way & 3 nights on way back via London from Cork in January. Found Trailfinders very helpful, they seemed to be able to get a better price for flights & hotels than I could - cost €2800, so not bad.
Can't wait to go now! If anyone has further suggestions I'd still appreciate them.
Thanks again