Hi guys. Please see extracts below from lifestage choices, rules, terms and conditions in relation to this. I am in similar circumstances. No idea how long I will be away, do not want to have to re-start waiting periods, have had health insurance all my life. With Quinn/ Aviva, think the max stay abroad is less possibly 30 or 60 days.
In relation to the max 180 days, I think its "180 days in calendar year" not "policy year" or "max 180 days away".
However further down it states "Where a member intends to travel abroad for longer than 180 days, Vhi Assist or any other Vhi Healthcare insurance benefit will not be available in respect of medical treatment abroad." This seems to contradict the "180 days in calendar year"
Secondly is it possible to break policy for up to 13 weeks without having any waiting periods.
I have received confirmation from VHI (verbal not written) that the policy would be valid if opened mid January 2010, travel July 2010, renewed policy Jan 2011, travel till late June 2011. ***********Only Verbal confimation**********
Any help would be great, Tom
Policy details extracts
Temporary Stay Abroad :A stay(s) outside of Ireland for any period up to but not exceeding 180 days in each calendar year.
Year: The period of cover shown in your most recent membership details.
If there is a break of more than 13 weeks in a person’s health insurance contract with us or another insurer registered under the Health Insurance
Acts, the application will be treated as a new application for membership.
Treatment outside ireland
a) We will only pay for emergency treatment a member receives outside Ireland if he/she needs such emergency treatment because of an unexpected
illness or accident that arises during a temporary stay abroad. We will pay up to the plan amounts outlined in Section 7 of your Table of Benefits,
per temporary stay abroad inclusive of all professional fees. You may also claim for expenses listed under Section 9 of your Table of Benefits. All
eligible benefits associated with emergency or prior approved treatment abroad will be issued by Vhi Healthcare in euro, with the exchange rate
from the European Central Bank being applied to all charges as at the date of the patient’s admission/treatment, where applicable.
Only members resident in Ireland for at least 180 days each calendar year are eligible for cover outside Ireland and or repatriation in accordance
with Rules 7(a), 7(c) & 7(d). Where a member intends to travel abroad for longer than 180 days, Vhi Assist or any other Vhi Healthcare insurance benefit will not be available in respect of medical treatment abroad.
c) The member must notify Vhi Healthcare immediately of any change to their policy or circumstances which could alter the assumptions on which the
contract is based or which are material to same.
d) If any member makes, or tries to make, a dishonest application or claim we have the right to: (i) refuse to renew his/her membership; or (ii) cancel
his/her membership immediately. We also have the right to refuse to pay any benefits for the member.