God save the King: Civil Service Privellige Days for "Kings Birthday and Empire Day"

Isn't it great to see all this intense focus and publicity on a €4.6m problem (privilige days) as we hand over another €24 billlion to the banks?

you've gotta make a start with saving money somewhere - increased productivity is money saved.

Never had Good friday off in over 20 yrs of work in variety of industry and professional work places. Its an archic joke giving good friday off unless its from your annual allocation.
Isn't it great to see all this intense focus and publicity on a €4.6m problem (privilige days) as we hand over another €24 billlion to the banks?

Watch the pennys and the pounds will take care of themselves. Like a lot of problems in Ireland today, perception has a real part to play.
Actually, there would be zero saving. There would be an increase in productivity, but there would be zero cash saving.

On top of all the increases we've got from the two rounds of benchmarking and the Croke park agreement?!
Bloody hell, we must have the most productive public sector in the world by now!
If 2 extra days are worked them that's 1% more hours so staff numbers could be cut by 1% with no loss in productivity.
What's the total spend on public sector wages per year?
If 2 extra days are worked them that's 1% more hours so staff numbers could be cut by 1% with no loss in productivity.
What's the total spend on public sector wages per year?

You'll need an abacus for that one