Gmail access blocked


Registered User
Hi there. Can someone please help me.
I have a number of gmail accounts, but on my laptop when I click on google to sign in, it won't let me. The sign in page never pops up.

Why would this be and how can it be solved?
It might also be worth deleting your cookies and temporary internet files also and then try to log in.

Also this used to happen to me if I used the Gmail add-on button in IE. It is still possible to get to the login page but you will need to delete most of the text in the browser address bar
I have this problem too-all I dee is a gmail logo and no other text. Gave deleted history,cookies etc. Shortened address, searched through google for alternative access and still all that comes up is a page with the logo on it. Is this a virus or is this a gmail problem? I am running xp, IExp 8. This is the address that comes up with the logo ;

Wheras this is the address thats stored in my favourites-and what worked yesterday:

I worked out how to solve this. Open gmail-then click tools-compatibility view and I now have the log on fields back.
I have no idea how the settings changed on my pc.