Facts and Fantasies
YD I don't wish to continue to argue about the "real" or imaginary nature of millenium computer issue; it is not an area of expertise. Mine is a lay-person's knowledge of events from media and from friends and acquaintances who are more literate in this area than myself and am sure there are experts on this forum who have more precise knowledge about the real nature etc. which I think moves away from the issue of global warming.
Does anyone else remember the colourful, detailed charts Shell produced in the 1950's for schools, showing marine, bird, plant and animal life from many different strata, types of seabed, kinds of terrain etc.?.....source of information and wonder for a generation of primary-school kids.
Experts on ornithology, biology, and every other -ology report the "accellerating rate of decline in the population of" this or that bird or mammal, and there is factual information on the reduced number of species (startling stuff, figures like "number of distinct species of spiders has reduced in the past 20 years from 5 million to less than 100,000" sort of stats).
Formerly extinction from your ecological niche was due to one of four factors (a) your species lost interest in reproduction (b) your predators or competitors were stronger or (c) your species developed susceptibility to specific plague (such as myxomatosis in rabbits) (d) your environment changed dramatically e.g. the ice-age.
Apart from notable exceptions such as the red squirrill's demise due to introduction of the grey squirrill, myxomatosis, "killer super-worms" it is difficult to think of changes under the first three categories. News of another species dropping to unsustainable numbers, or disappearance of dozens of species "in the past decade", is in the experts' view attributable to climatic changes "as a consequence of global warming".
Of course "climate change" is a "fact". The SPEED of change and the EFFECT of the change feeds back into the system and you have cladistics theory in motion. The changes produce EXPONENTIAL change. The accellerating changes introduced by global warming (which is produced by a combination of human activities on a planet which has never, ever housed so many people!) appears (according to the experts) to be reducing diversity and narrowing gene-pools. These phenomena have never been observed on this scale before. This is not to say they haven't happened before; they have but were not caused by us.