Glen Abhainn, Enfield


Registered User
Just wondering if anyone has any insight into the development or the builder (High degree construction I think). Thinking of a 4 bed semi there and in particular what the build quality is like? I know the builder did Glen Easton in Leixlip and Parklands in Maynooth which I've heard good things about but having been bitten once before by a house where the build quality was a little suspect, am trying to do my homework this time round!

Any thoughts from anyone living there would be great!
Hi there Sam,

I'm one of the fortunate people who joined a queue on a Thursday afternoon in January, in the rain, to put a deposit on a house built by people I knew very little about. I have to say though, over the last 6 months, and after numerous conversations with everyone from the girls in the site offices to the Site Foreman himself, if their pleasant manner and professionalism is anything to go by, then I need not worry about the quality of the build.

I have been on-site several times so far and have watched their progress with anticipation. So far so good. I have friends living in Glen Easton, Leixlip, which HDC also built and they quailty of those houses is second-to-none. I also have friends living in the first phase of Glen Abhainn and they've had no complaints since they moved in over ten months ago.

I hope this helps you in some way....


Thanks Carl,

Went ahead and put the deposit down on Glen Abhainn a few weeks back(house we got was a cancellation) and all going well hoping to move in in the next couple of months! Great to hear good feedback though as havent come across very much info since and as of yet have not dealt with the builder, so reassuring to hear a good experience!
Hey Sam,

What area did you get? Court, Drive, Lawns....? I'm in the Lawns. Getting my carpets and hard-floors in on friday and saturday and hope to be moved in by next weekend. The build quality is beyond amazing. Our engineer found only 6 minor things for our snag list. SIX! All of which took no more than a few hourse to amend and we were signing and picking up the keys the next day.

Best of luck with everything and I'm sure we'll bump into each other in the near future!
