Glaziers in north Dublin?


Registered User
Can anyone recommend a reputable glazier who is based around Dublin 7,9 or 11? I was relying on one company who came in and measured up the windows for me three weeks ago, but despite leaving numerous messages on the glaziers phone, he has not contacted me since. I've given up on him now so need to find someone who isn't as lazy and apathetic as the first guy! All help appreciated...
I am looking for laminate glass panels made to fit wooden panelled air vents along a balcony. The vents themselves will not be covered up, but there are three other panels between the two vents running along the top of the balcony which are unnecessary and were put in purely for design purposes. I want the laminates to cover each of the unused panel to further sound-proof the walls and I am also considering sound-proofing the windows and doors which lead onto the balcony.
The two companies that I mention in this post are good. I have used both in the past (be prepared to wait all day for snail's pace Golden Pages to show the info. Its absolutely dreadful of late).