Glasnevin Ave


Registered User
Looking at houses in this area at the moment. Est agents refer to it as a "mature" area so wondering how family friendly it is. Is it safe to walk around at night?

Also looking in the Old Finglas Rd/Violet Hill area - is this safer/better for young kids?
Hi there,
I live just off Glasnevin ave and it is a fantastic area, very safe - schools are good as well.
Both areas you are looking at are very nice - they are near good parks, Johnstown and Albert collage. The houses on Glasnevin ave would be bigger and the gardens are quiet substantial than they are on violet hill, we too looked at houses there.

But with Violet hill you are closer to Glasnevin and town...
Just a tip.check areas that were flooded this year as Glasnevin was part of the problem areas.Just to be sure.If you find a nice house there, it is a good location as quite close to city centre.
Glasnevin avenue is a big stretch of main road. Nice houses and nice safe area but nowhere really for kids to play. Violet hill is also nice, more estate like aswell. Cul de sac's and that. Safer for the kids to ride their bikes, etc.
Have you looked at pinewood or around there. In my opinion, better options for kids and still really nice decent size houses.