Gladioli - finished flowering - what now


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What should you do with gladioli once flowering finished? Stems still there, flowers largely gone. Should you cut them and leave the bulbs in the ground or let the stems wither and break off and lift the bulbs for overwinter? Thanks

Also, there are some small pods coming where the flowers were? are these new seeds to likely develop into bulbs?
I just leave mine alone and leave them in the ground. When the stems are well dead they dry out and you can pull them then.
if you want your bulbs in the ground to get bigger and better flowers for next year remove flowering stem but leave the stem & leaves. if you leave the flower stem, bulbs will develop as you have described, these bulbs draw nutrients from the main buld keeping it small, and open to attack from insects. You can propagate these but will take years for them to develop into proper bulbs