Giving up the smokes


Registered User
So, I'm on my second serious attempt at giving up the dreaded smokes. Going well so far, certainly seems a lot easier than the first time. Has anyone else given them up lately? How'd you get on?
PaddyW - Best of luck. I havent managed to quit them myself yet but my OH swears by the Alan Carr book - he quit a few years ago after reading that.

A girl in my job got hypnotised and went from 40 a day to none over 7 years ago and a guy in work then went to the same hypnotist and he also quit completely from roughly the same amount. Both of them said that they just didnt want to smoke after it.
Both my parents smoked for majority of my childhood and one Christmas I had seen one "smoking kills" ad too many and went to my dad and said dad I don't want you to die and on st stephen's day he gave up and has been off them ever since. He didn't use patches, chewing gum, hypnotism etc etc etc, he says he found something much better than smoking and that was the fact that I love him so much. My dad smoked major, which in my limited knowledge of cigarettes are fairly strong (or at least they used to be).

So PaddyW go have a child and get him/her to ask you to quit :)
I started smoking at 11, majors of all things.. my mum used smoke them.. This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, to think of it. I tried hypnotism, no good. Tried Alan Carr.. No good, tried patches, lozenges, E-cigs, the lot! No good.. I'm using tablets now (can't say the name on here!) but they are working a treat so far, fingers crossed.

Pixiebean, perhaps quitting smoking first would increase my chances of children.. But I'd need a partner first haha
Maybe you could adopt a la Angelina Jolie? Do you have a bucket of cash lying about the house?? :)
Chance would be a fine thing! I may after a year or two of the smokes!

That reminds me of a friend of mine who quit and as an incentive bought a hugely fancy stereo system on HP claiming he would use the freed up smoke money to pay the HP week by week. After a few weeks I happened to walk in on him (in his own house) with his head and shoulders up the chimney smoking furiously. Turned out he had only lasted a few days, so was paying off the stereo AND paying for smokes and had his head up his own chimney because he was still pretending to his housemates that he was off them so he wouldnt get slagged off for giving in.
That reminds me of a friend of mine who quit and as an incentive bought a hugely fancy stereo system on HP claiming he would use the freed up smoke money to pay the HP week by week. After a few weeks I happened to walk in on him (in his own house) with his head and shoulders up the chimney smoking furiously. Turned out he had only lasted a few days, so was paying off the stereo AND paying for smokes and had his head up his own chimney because he was still pretending to his housemates that he was off them so he wouldnt get slagged off for giving in.

This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, gas man he was!
Best of luck with it :) I have done it several times in the past as well and always ended back up on them for some reason or other
Ah it's a very tough thing to do. I was off them for a few years but noticed in the last year or so that I started having a couple with a few beers - then it got to the stage where I was organising a few beers at weekend just so I could have a smoke (my rule was no beer no cigarette!:rolleyes: ). So now I am completely off them but haven't got the guts to have a beer yet because I am not allowing myself to smoke at all. Husband gave up three weeks ago, he started smoking at 12 and always smoked. He recently went diving and was shocked by how bad his breathing was so he gave up the next day. Problem is that he thinks he'll be able to have a few when having a drink I keep telling him that it'll never work so at the moment we are both just hitting the cinema every weekend and steering well clear of alcohol.

It doesn't matter how long you have been off them sometimes you feel like you'd sell your own mother to get a cigarette! :D

Best of luck!
I'm thinking about this too. Again.

me too!

PaddyW - Best of luck. I havent managed to quit them myself yet but my OH swears by the Alan Carr book - he quit a few years ago after reading that.

A girl in my job got hypnotised and went from 40 a day to none over 7 years ago and a guy in work then went to the same hypnotist and he also quit completely from roughly the same amount. Both of them said that they just didnt want to smoke after it.

Have tried the Allen Carr book & clinic. Have tried patches. Have tried Champix. Still smoking :(

Would you be able to PM me the name of the hypnotist? He/she seems to have a good rep!
It doesn't matter how long you have been off them sometimes you feel like you'd sell your own mother to get a cigarette! :D

Not true of everyone- I gave up 10 years ago and since then have been through bereavements, tough times, stress etc and never even think about wanting a cigarette. So take heart- that longing may very well fade away completely.
The first three weeks for me were the worst ( I gave up cold turkey) and after 6 months I never looked back. I had only one lapse- in the first three weeks and never again.
Would you be able to PM me the name of the hypnotist? He/she seems to have a good rep!

One of the people has since left the job, the other is still here but not in today - Ill get the number next week and send it to you.