Sorry for what are probably very basic questions, but I have had a very good job for a long number of years and I am at the stage now where I can't take the pressure anymore as I also have a number of small children and the juggling is proving too much. I am part time but I've really just had enough of this job. I am planning at this stage to take the summer off with the kids and then start looking for a less stressful, and obviously a less well paid job. My understanding of unemployment benefit from the social welfare is that I must be available for work and actively seeking it, which I would be. My question is that as I will have some childcare costs I will at least need to cover my costs before accepting any old job. I don't think I will have a huge amount of trouble getting a job, but I don't want to sell myself short either. In practical terms what sort of checks job SW do on your actively seeking employment. Would I get into trouble, or would they have any way of knowing if I turned down a job if I felt it wasn't right for me? Sorry if thats a stupid question, I have absolutely no experience of how this works and any practical tips would be hugely appreciated