Given a house


Registered User
Can anyone please help to understand what the hell my solicitor is saying as I havnt a clue!!

My Mum died this year but before she died she signed over the house to my Brother sister and me while she was alive. She wrote a will that the rest of her estate was to be seperated in 3 equal shares.

I recently had to sign a form for the land registry and now my sister says we will have to pay stamp duty on the property.

I was wondering can the house be sold first before this is done. I dont have a mortgage its in my husbands name so does this mean I am a first time buyer. Plus my sister lives in England so how does that effect her. My brother does have a mortgage so how does this effect him???????????? Neither my brother or myself can understand what this is all about and its driving us nuts can anyone please help us...
1. Your mother gifted you a house before she died. You may be liable for stamp duty on the market value of your share. How much was your share worth when this happened?

2. Are you a first time buyer? Your post is not clear. Are you saying that your current house is in your husbands sole name? And you have no other property? Then you may be a first time buyer for stamp duty.

3. Is your sister a property owner ( other than this property?)

4. If your brother has a mortgage then presumably he is a property owner?

All of these issues would have been raised with your mother and yourselves before the property was signed over. Are you saying that you got no legal advice before agreeing that your mothers property would be signed over to all of you?

It sounds odd.

Hi ya

I really am very gratefull for your help on this.

1. My mum was very unwell before she died it was my sister who kept badgering her to get the will signed! She got the solicitor to get her to sign the transfare deed. The house was not valued when this was done.

2.Our house is in my husbands sole name.

3.My brother has a mortgage and has his own property

4. none of this was raised with us before the property was signed over. Our sister told us that it was done the day after!

Just spoke to solicitor that the longer it takes for us to sign the transfare deed we could incure costs??

Lost completly, and dont understand what they are saying to us!!
