Girona to please


Registered User
I know you can travel by train from Girona to Perpignan. I've looked up the SNCF site & I can get so far with booking & then it won't allow me.

Has anyone had a similar experience & how did you overcome it ?
Try as you're originating in Spain .. but unless you're travelling on a train with compulsory reservations there's probably no real necessity can just buy a ticket at the station before you travel (even if the train has compulsory reservations you can likely do this just you run the risk it might be full)
That site can be quite tempermental! If your travel dates are within 3 months you should be able to book online, however over 3 months it is not possible to book TGV and certain other trains. At what point does it reject your booking?
It was rejecting at the confirming stage, saying that no seats were available for the class. I tried all classes !

Tried again just now & it let me book the outward journey & then had a technical error before the return one would book so I still got nowhere.

Gauloise are you familiar with this route ? Would I be able to just buy a ticket on the spot ? I am travelling on the 16th July & am afraid that if I don't book it soon, tickets will not arrive in time. They don't seem to have e-tickets.

Thanks so much for your help
Most of the seats for this route do not require a reservation as they are the TER trains as opposed to TGV where reservation is obligatory. I was looking at the site as well to test and there was also a techinical error!

Tickets need to be booked 7 days prior to departure for delivery to an Irish address but if you want to avoid all the hassle and get your tickets within 48 hours Continental Rail on Lower Middle Abbey St will book them for you and charge €10 which in this case is quite a lot as the tickets are coming in quite cheap. I'd say you will be fine just booking on the spot, it's a Sunday so not quite so busy. Let me knnow if you need any more help !
Many thanks for your assistance. I thought I was doing something stupid with the site !

It's not that long a journey so I guess if the worst came to the worst there must be a bus option too, or perhaps get the bus to Barcelona & then the TGV from there.

You've gone to a lot of trouble & I do appreciate it.
First of all, if you want to gtravel by rail from Girona to Perpignan there is no need to go to Barcelona. Indeed, that is going in the wrong direction (south). Also, there is not a TGV service from Barcelona.

I travelled from Barcelona, north through Girona, across the border to Perpignan, a year or two ago.

There are lots of trains from Barcelona north to Girona and on towards the border. Most are REGIONAL trains. These are cheap, and there's no need to pre-book them.

There were just two daily INTERCITY trains, these cost more, and can probably be booked on the web.

What we did was take a regional train to the last town, then change onto a French local train, from the border to Perpignan.

Chech out
My thanks to you all. I'm making sense of it now. I got a timetable on
Doesn't look like you can book ahead but at least I can make plans now & it looks like I'll have to stay in Girona night before departure. That's no prob but it's just as well to know in advance before booking hotels.
I'm not sure that you can take a train from Girona to Perpignan. I go to Perpignan regularly and as far as I'm aware there's no train to/from Girona. There's no train to Barcelona either, and there won't be one until 2009 when a newly laid TGV line will connect the two cities. The reason is that the Iberian peninsula operates with a different rail gauge to most of the rest of Europe. "Protocol" is right, the only way to go by train is to take two trains, one from Girona to the border, and one from the border to Perpignan. The problem is that there's a distance between the most northerly Spanish station and the most southerly French one. I don't know if there's a connecting bus.

You might consider hiring a car in Girona and drive up. Perpignan is about 90 minutes away and its a very direct route.
Hi Setanta, I've already been. I did get a train from Girona to Portbou. Then you have to get a train continuing on to through Cerbere ( where you go through the border into France ) I had about a 2hour wait in between but it was no problem & the train journey is very scenic as it hugs the coast.

I also stopped off in Figueras to see the Salvador Dali museum which is well worth a visit.There most definitely is a train to Barcelona.

Incidentally Girona is a beautiful city for an overnight. It's really well preserved & I really enjoyed my stroll around.

Thanks for your advice