Gillette - Its all gone terribly wrong


Registered User
So there you have it one by one the Glorious Triumvirate of world sporting elite so handsomely compensated by the Gillette (the best a man can get) shame themselves by cheating in Sport - Mr Henry and alleged Wife Cheating - Mr Woods..... What next - Roger a secret Nazi or Drug User.... watch this space!
Why is that any of our business. I really get annoyed when the private life of people becomes what they are famous for...

I know what you mean but Christ it so damn hard to keep those things quiet when you one of the most famous sportmen on the planet .."privacy privacy my whole damn kingdom for privacy" has been the cry of many a wounded celeb. But Pinkybear the world is cruel and when you're famous there is a terrible accountability, sad I know but I didn't make up the rules.
Exactly. When you're that famous and raking in as much money as he is, you've already sold your soul. You can't have everything!!