Gifting a house & inheritance.


New Member
My nanny is looking to sell her home and purchase a new build in full but to put it in my name(I am her grandson) and my partners name to gift us this house but also for my nanny to live with us. Can anyone explain how this would work legally? Thank you in advance.
Expensively in terms of CAT

What is the value of the house she is considering gifting to you?
Thank you for your reply it’s much appreciated. The house is selling for €370,000 but auctioneer said it could go over €400,000 mark. The new build my nanny is hoping to purchase will be €385,000. Would it make more sense for it to be put into my name alone as I am her grandson?
My nanny is looking to sell her home and purchase a new build in full but to put it in my name(I am her grandson) and my partners name to gift us this house but also for my nanny to live with us. Can anyone explain how this would work legally? Thank you in advance.

If your Grandmother put the new house in joint names it would pass by survivorship and it would be outside probate. The only difficulty would be if there was a need for her to go into a home and avail of the fair deal scheme the clawback goes back 5 years.