Gift of site, Taxes and Charges??


Registered User
Does anyone know what taxes and charges I would incur if I received a gift of a 1acre site from my uncle? I dont know the value of the site but just to give a guide a site on the same road sold for 120k with FPP 2 years ago
Thanks. No planning permission, it is only an idea at the moment. Who would value the property then? So basicly if it was valued at 100k I would be liable to pay 30% CAT and 2% stamp which would come to 32k. Am I correct in saying this?
I miscalculated that I think, never took into account the threshold, I think I would be liable for 21,600 on a valuation of 100k
an auctioneer should be able to value it ... without PP it will prb be closer to the agricultural value though